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Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2010 @ 2:08am by Commodore Edward Fannin

170 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Paris
Timeline: 10PM Local Time


This just in from our coverage of the Events at Starbase 347, Typhon. A briefing was held by Starfleet Command. Earlier today an Explosion occurred in the outer Ring of Starbase 347, also known as Starbase Typhon. Killed in the Blast were the Executive Officer Commander Jack Tolren luietenant Joseph Francis of operations and lieutenant Alex Faulkner of the stations Engineering team. Nine others were killed, there names have not been released until family members have been notified.

The reports of the death of Commodore Fannin have not been confirmed although it's believed he was gravely injured in the blast. Concerns for the safety of the station are widespread and no evacuations have been ordered. Fnn has a reporter on the station but currently the Starbase is locked down for security reasons..

In other news today the transfer of the criminal Orlo Benedict Obama was sent to Kalor V to begin his life sentence for high crimes and misdemeanors in his last bid for a senate position in the Federation....



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