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A long afternoon. And possibly, a long morning.

Posted on Tue Feb 1st, 2011 @ 6:36pm by
Edited on on Tue Feb 1st, 2011 @ 6:36pm

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Engineering

Skylar quirked an eyebrow.

"Commander?" Sirgei asked, from beyond his office.

Skylar looked up.

Sirgei chuckled. "Alright, who muddled their paperwork today?"

Skylar shook his head. "Someone from intelligence just forced access to my quarters. I hope they enjoy the plants, and the singular PADD with a note from my father on it."

Sirgei pondered that. "How do you know?"

"Personal security measures. I have the computer send me messages in my paperwork, when people gain access to my office, place of residence, or access my files. There are simple algorythms hidden in the door or index control programs, which leave strange tags at the top of the day's paperwork." Skylar said.

He nodded to the terminal.

"It is just a bunch of random letters." Sirgei said.

"No. It's an 8 digit seemingly random collection of letters, that list that, 1, it was my quarters, two, it was forced access, not using my codes, three, the department that the code was issued, and four, the security access level required to access it." Skylar said.

Sirgei chuckled. "Quite brilliant. Let's take a wild guess. Forced access, not your codes, from say.... Intelligence. With, perhaps... Commander Adams' codes?"

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "Dare I ask how, precisely, you know that?"

"Partly because your basic code makes perfect sense, once I have the meanings for each pair of digits. Partly because you have spent a great deal of this afternoon staring at the wall, and, I would point out, you spent approximately an entire hour, on duty, I'll add, in Intelligence, when we have no repair orders for the Intelligence department." Sirgei said.

Skylar's face went neutral. "And who, precisely, did you tell that too?"

"No one." Sirgei said with a laugh.

Skylar went back to his paperwork.

Sirgei looked at Skylar. "Sir-"

"Ensign Bobgdonovich. You are dismissed." Skylar stated.

"Sir." Sirgei said, and left.

Skylar frowned, and looked back at the door.

Why would Raven want access to my quarters? He pondered.

This thought was quickly drowned, when his attention fell back to the collection of paperwork, he scowled.

While Sirgei was distracting him, the Yeoman had snuck in, and ditched another couple hundred padds on his desk.

"Bloody ninja paperwork pushers." He muttered.


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer

Ensign Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Engineering Officer


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