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Foreign Contact

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2010 @ 4:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Diplomatic Affairs Conference Room, deck 58
Timeline: Current


Word about new discoveries always seemed to get around fast, in some opinions too fast but it seemed intel waited for no man. A few hours ago an oddly built ship arrived and beamed an ambassador aboard the starbase.

"Yes Mr. Ambassador, it is kinda cramped in here" Will said, guiding the twelve foot tall ambassador through the corridors. His luck had been bad enough that the transporter the ambassador came in on happened to be one of Will's current projects; to go around and check them all; so he was there when the ambassador arrived.

=A= Couters to Captain Fannin, I have an Ambassador Noel here to see you sir. =A=

Captain Fannin had been watching on the Bride view screens, he turned to Yeoman James and Nodded. She took off at a dead run...

=A= Commander Couter please take Ambassador Noel to the cultural Affairs conference room on deck 58, he'll be far more comfortable there. I'm on my way=A=

=A= Aye sir =A= Will answered, then to the Ambassador, "so, how're things back home?"

[Cultural Affairs]

The engineer and ambassador arrived pretty fast and almost instantly the ambassador stretched out to his full height, skeleton expanding as he went. Apparently being crammed into a narrow corridor could get to be real annoying, real fast.

Captain Fannin entered the room, He was taken back by the height of Ambassador Noel, he had seen him at his full height on the screens.

Edward wasn't sure how to greet the Neyel, so would play this one by ear.

"Welcome Ambassador Noel, I wasn't expecting you or I would have been better prepared."

"That is entirely my fault captain" Noel said, "my transports coms array went down on our way here. Governors Paradin and Verallo insisted I come out immediately, they've been eying up relocation to a planet in the local system."

A very large Chair was wheeled up for the Ambassador and a smaller version for Ed.

Fannin noted Noel wasn't screwing around and got directly to the point...

"Yes, you must be inquiring about the Tiberius System Sir."

"I was unaware that it had been named" Noel said, "but yes, I believe that would be it. The sensor data we received indicated a planet abundant with forest life and with several large oceans, it is to us a paradise."

"Perhaps in the next day or so we can meet there and you can take a look. Of Course The Federation has many plans for this planet. What would be yours Ambassador?"

"If possible a small corner of an equatorial continent and the local waters and a section of the forest" Noel said, "right now we only have two cities willing to make the move, I doubt they will be too hungry for space."

"What type of support would you be needing from the United Planets for these Cities?"

"We would likely need food supplies until sufficient farms and live stock could be set-up and if possible some raw materials to help get the areas built up" Noel said, "beyond that they will be quite self sustaining."

"Captain, we wish only to live in peace, the Federation can do all the jurisdiction and law they want" Noel answered.

"Lets adjourn this meeting and you can rest from your journey. We shall search for your new home tomorrow. As I personally feel if a Place can be found to suit your needs an agreement will soon follow."

"As you wish captain" Noel said, "tomorrow we'll take my ship out to recon some of the planets, young Will here seems eager to get behind a skiff again, I'm sure it would help me in my decision."

"Sound plan Ambassador, I look forward to the trip. If there is anything I can do to make you comfortable please let me know. VIP quarters are being prepared and are ready as we speak."

"Thank-you captain" Noel said getting up, "I should get in contact with my ship, half the crew over there is as eager to find that paradise as those governors."

"I understand completely, If your crew needs accommodations they shall be provide as well. You are our Valued guests."

"Thank you captain," Noel said, then to Will,"well Commander, I believe we have a coms array to catch."

"Yes sir" Will said, leading the ambassador out of the conference room to find a communications panel.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Will Couter
Chief Engineer
USB Typhon

Ambassador Noel
Nal Ta


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