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Of Mice and Classroom Computers

Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 1:49pm by Elizabeth Grady-Kellan

193 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Classroom 5
Timeline: After a Call to Order

Elizabeth Grady called for someone to be sent from engineering to assist in setting up the new classroom computer systems. Liz waited in Classroom 5 until a man in a black grey and mustard uniform appeared.

"Hello I am Ms. Grady, are you here to setup our computers?" She asked.

"No, I'm here to do a safety inspection, prior to installing new computer systems." Sirgei noted. "I'm not permitted, by regulations, to start any work, prior to a safety inspection being completed."

"Ah, yes safety first." Liz said.

Sirgei did a brief look around the room, and did a scan. "Influenza? Really? I'm going to have to confine this room, and lock it off for medical to disinfect first. I'll issue the appropriate paperwork, once I get back to my office. Your systems should be installed sometime next week."

"Computer initiate decontamination protocol, alpha one." Liz said.

"See you next week!" Sirgei said, nodding. "Sorry, rules are rules. I am not allowed to perform any work here, until Medical clears it."

"Sure," Liz said.

Sirgei nodded, and left the room. "Have fun!"


Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist.

Elizabeth Grady-Kellan


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