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Something to Celebrate? (part 2)

Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 3:17pm by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Intel
Timeline: Before the arrival of the Yerdi ship



Stick around?" He laughed. "You are the second officer to an entire space station. I need to keep you close!" He joked.

Raven finished her drink and set the glass on the table. "You and the Captain. At least you I don't mind having close," she teased.


"You sure? I don't think you can risk associating with me anymore, certainly not with the Captain watching. We need to find you better friends." He grinned.

"Speaking of which," Khiy led in "how are things going with your...boyfriend?"

"Skylar?" Raven lay her head against the back of the couch. "It's ... complicated. We appear to have bonded, but we're still getting to know each other." She turned her head to look at Khiy. "What about you and the Romulan Ambassador?"

"Who said anything about Miral and I?" He said, realising that she was trying to trap him.

"I'm in charge of Intelligence on the starbase, Khiy," she reminded him. "The two of you went to the opera together. She's gone to your office several times. Since you've been gone the ambassador has been remarkable in her absence from social events. And, if you recall, I was in your office when she defended your activities during the OreCo investigation. And I'm a telepath." It was also obvious to Raven that the Romulan Ambassador cared deeply about Khiy.

"Well then," Khiy started. He reasoned that there was no point in hiding anything. "I guess the answer to that is...good? I'm not sure where we stand to be honest. Right now the company comes first and I know that's not the right mind set going into a serious relationship."

Raven had to chuckle at that. "Is there ever a good time? I don't think so. I think you have to grab the opportunity when it arises." She thought of Skylar. The last thing she'd expected was to fall for a Vulcan, but there it was.

"There may not be a 'good time' but there is certainly is such a thing as better time."He chimed.

Raven put her hand on Khiy's arm. "You have to grab the chance when it's presented to you, good timing or not. But I don't mean to lecture you. I just want you to be happy and..." she shrugged. She wouldn't tell him what she'd picked up from both he and Miral the last time she saw them together.

"Well," He started, suddenly anxious to change the topic of conversation "I might not have to worry about any of that. I plan on personally field testing the new Birds of Prey I purchased in an active war zone." He couldn't help but grin at the notion.

"Coward," Raven said, chuckling softly. "Field test them for what?"

"TGT has been hired to defend a convoy of medical freighters travelling through the Donatu sector, an active war zone. My other ships don't have nearly enough teeth for that kind of run. Now, with the additions, I can afford to send both my B'rel's and coast through the sector without trouble. If we get ambushed, I get a bonus at end of mission." He almost seemed to revel in the thought. It had been too long since he was on the front lines.

"It sounds like fun. I almost miss it. I guess I'm getting sedentary in my old age," she joked. "Until this last trip I wondered if you were settling down a bit, too. Not completely, just ... a bit more."

"To be honest," He said with a knowing nod "I'm kind of trying to recapture that feeling. Things are too...calm now."

"I wouldn't call associating with the Romulan Ambassador calming down," she chuckled. "Okay, I know you don't want to talk about her, but still." She grinned impishly. "I'd much rather talk about you and the Ambassador than me and Captain Hawk."

"And I would much rather talk about you and your new responsibilities." He matched her expression. "The Captain worries me much less than you and your new found authority on the station."

"Me? Why would I worry you?" she asked, genuinely surprised.

"You know me and you know my tricks." They both knew he had a whole new bag of them since the old days, but the comment stood. "I have a feeling you are going to keep me honest." It was more the idea of trying to pull one over on a friend that bothered him.

"You have just as much on me, Khiy. Do you honestly think this promotion is going to change the way I feel about ... everything?"

"Well, it's hard not to notice the change in you since you joined Starfleet. With your responsibilities now you will be in a position where you daily have to defend the Federation and it's ideals." He shrugged.

"I'm a Commander, Khiy, I have to defend the Federation no matter what position I hold. That isn't new, nor has it changed just because I have to act as 2nd Officer as well. But I know there's no convincing you." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "You forget how much you've changed, too. Change isn't always bad."

Just then one of her assistants walked in with a PADD. Raven looked it over and sighed. "It looks like I have a meeting with the Captain. Wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it."


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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