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"Blasted Thugs!"

Posted on Fri Jun 17th, 2011 @ 2:15pm by

461 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Federation Space

Atwood scowling face on the viewscreen told Thomas all he needed to know. The Orions beat the Callisto to the Tholian prize.

"Good morning, sweet pea. How was your trip?" Jacob asked, calmly.

"You bloody well know, already." Atwood growled at him.

"That bad? How much did they beat you by?" Jacob asked.

"Three disruptor shots." Atwood said, angrily. "Then, they boarded the ship, ripped off half the cargo of fruit we were supposed to drop off, before disembarking again, and walked off with Olga."

"They stole the medical Officer?" Jacob asked, in an incredulous voice.

"I told you an Orion medical Officer was going to be trouble. Did you-"

"Yes, sweet pea, I know. I should have listened to the ever wise Jane Atwood." Jacob said, chuckling.

"You'll pay for that." Atwood said, scowling.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll enjoy it." Jacob noted. "How soon until you are back in the system?"

"It took us 4 hours, at a little beyond maximum warp. We're down to a fourth that." Atwood said. "Give me 16 hours."

"I'll file the appropriate filings, here at starbase, for the stolen cargo, and the abducted personnel. Anything else missing?"

"Sprak's helm console, and my pride." Atwood noted.

"I'll file the appropriate stolen items reports on that, too." Jacob said, nodding. "How are you flying the ship without a helm console?"

"I jury-rigged one out of-"

"Three apples, and a kumquat?" Jacob asked.

"No, you twit. The Tholian ship." Atwood said.

"You mean they didn't want it?" Jacob asked, suspiciously.

"Nope. They just happened to be going along that way, and came across the Orion life-sign on our ship." Atwood noted.

"Well, salvage what you have too." Jacob noted.

"We're going after Olga." Atwood said.

"You are WHAT?" Jacob demanded.

"We've got a Tholian helm console, and some new shield and weapons technology to test, before turning it over to the SCE." Atwood said. "I intend to repay these chaps for their abduction of a staff member on my watch."

"JANE. Get back to starbase. Now. This is a Starfleet issue! You'll be killed!" Jacob demanded.

"We've already filed a subspace complaint about it. I was told the issue would be handled. Eventually." Atwood said.


"So, I've got 8 hours to get her back. Right." Atwood said.

"You WHAT?" Jacob said.

"I said, at current speed, 16 hours." Atwood said, with a wink. "We'll have it up to 120% maximum speed within the hour. See you in the morning, darling."

Jacob scowled. "ATWOOD."

The comm link closed.

"DAMN. YOU. WOMAN." Jacob exclaimed, at the console.


Jacob Thomas
CEO, Callisto Salvage Operations.

Jane Atwood
ACEO, Callisto Salvage Operations.


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