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Adjusting to New Command

Posted on Thu Jun 16th, 2011 @ 6:48pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Jana Johnson & Captain Jackson Hawkins

800 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: XO's Office

Anna had stepped out to deal with some issues elsewhere for a moment. She had promised Jana the would get lunch she she had the rest of the afternoon off from classes because of testing going on. For now Jana sat on the sofa in Anna's office studying for the test she had the next day.

Hawk, continuing his habit of walking in instead of giving the courtesy others give, walked into Anna's office. He didn't bother to look up as he began to talk in his gruff frustrated voice. "Captain, I've shifted up department assignments and..."

Jana looked up and blinked. Now that she was out of her 'goth' phase she really did look like a younger version of her sister. "Anna I mean, Captain Johnson stepped out to deal with an issue she should be back shortly." Jana said softly.

Squinting as his nickname would suggest, Captain Hawkins gazed at the young woman. "Is it common for you to be in the command complex?"

"Only when I'm waiting to have lunch with my sister." Jana answered, "We are having exams in school and I don't have any this afternoon. Anna wanted to have lunch together as we haven't been able to spend a lot of time talking lately." Jana answered. She showed no fear as she spoke to the Captain she knew she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Uh-huh." Hawk nodded. "I'll have to remember to speak to Captain Johnson about this." He muttered. "Well umm..." Hawkins could not hide the fact he was uncomfortable with children. "Good luck on your tests." Immediately, Hawk turned on heel to exit.

Anna stepped through the doors at that moment and almost crashed into Hawk. She stopped and caught herself and looked at him. "Oh sorry sir," Anna said, "I had some administrative stuff I had to deal with." Anna said.

"Stuff?" Hawk questioned the non-specific way with which Anna addressed her duties. "Yes well I uhhh...." He paused. "I was going to get with you about some department reassignments I've worked out, but..." Another glance over to Jana ensued. "You have other obligations. And uhhhh..." Hawkins cleared his throat. "We'll need to talk about restricted areas of the station when you're free."

"I used stuff because I don't discuss work in front of Jana. I had gone to get her when I was informed of what needed to be taken care of and I have the report on hit right here." Anna said handing Hawks the PADD in her hand. "I left her here because I knew I wouldn't be gone long and this was it was easier this way. She knows not to leave the office without me and she doesn't know any of the access codes." Anna stated.

"An explanation at this point isn't necessary Captain." Hawk paused. "Just an observation."

Anna sighed, "Excuse me just a moment sir."

Anna looked at Jana who grabbed her stuff and followed Anna out.

A few moments later Anna walked back in and looked at Hawks. "She is having lunch without me, what's on your mind sir?" Anna asked.

"As I said Captain. It was just an observation. Had this been the Runnymede, the child would have never been permitted on the bridge. Ever. For any reason. But that worked for me there. What worked for me there is apparently not working for me here. So I'm observing." Jackson paused.

"She is taking pre-academy classes and is only a couple of years away from joining Starfleet herself. Trust me with our family back ground she is more mature than most other teenagers her age. However, now that I know how you feel you can be assured that it won't happen again." Anna said.

Hawk shook his head. "That's not what I said Captain. What I said was that it wouldn't have happened on the Runnymede. Apparently Typhon is a very different dynamic. One to which I am slowly adapting."

"And I'm trying to get use to having a different commanding officer so I'm adapting as well." Anna stated. "What did you need to discuss?" Anna asked.

Handing Johnson a PADD, Hawk continued. "I want to take some of the responsibility off of your shoulders by shifting it to the Department Heads. You should not be in a position where you are forced to run around to create some administrative report. Instead, I want you to force the department heads to fully prepare their own reports individually. We should be able to meet with one department head at a time or with all together and be on the same page."

Anna took the PADD and nodded, "I'll read through your ideas and work on getting them implemented." She said.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon


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