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An alternate minor issue.

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 7:21am by
Edited on on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 9:12am

837 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

Skylar had been finishing the day's paperwork, when the console blinked, letting him know he had a new subspace message.

It was a text-only message.

Damron, Morgan's shuttle craft paperwork improperly cleared by engineering. Please have a report sent to Admiral Willoughby's office by 0800 hours, EPDT. The computer noted.

Skylar internally did the math for conversion from Typhon Standard Time to Earth Pacific Daylight Savings Time, and came up with the conclussion that he had just over 12 minutes, including the time it would take for the message to get there.

Report as follows: Regulations require all out-going craft to be cleared by Chief Engineering Officer. Chief Engineering Officer was in brig. At current, due to a personnel shortage, a major oversight by Starfleet Command, I'll point out, there is insufficient staff for an assistant chief to be able to go running all over the station, trying to get on PADD signed. Please send 20-30 more Engineering staff, and stop leaving obnoxious demands on my console. Lieutenant Commander Skylar, signing off.

Sirgei was reading over Skylar's shoulder, and chuckled. "You are so getting busted down to Lieutenant for that."

Skylar shook his head. "If I were truly to get demoted for this, it would likely involve a demotion to Ensign. I just told a-"

"You just told an Admiral to go forth and multiply with himself, in an extremely polite way, and then had the daring-do to demand he sent you more staff, in the same message!" Sirgei exclaimed, with a chuckle.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh was walking past. She stopped, and looked, in a rather ditzy fashion, into the office. "Uhm... is the Chief going to be demoted?"

"Perhaps." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow.

"So... like... who's going to like... run the department, and stuff?" Lyra asked.

Sirgei pulled something out of his pocket, and threw it past the ditzy Engineer. "LOOK! SHINY THING!" Sirgei yelled.

Lyra looked all excited, and ran after it.

"What was that?" Skylar asked.

"It was a remote control helicopter, a replica from the late 20th century. I built it an onboard computer. It'll fly, aimlessly about, with it's trailing glittery thing, for about an hour, then return to it's docking space in my quarters." Sirgei said, with a chuckle. "She might be a brilliant repair technician, but aside from her technical skill, she's got the IQ of a Kiwi fruit."

"I have noticed. She asked me, last week, if it hurt, when I had my ears stapled into this shape." Skylar stated.

"Which is better than the time, in the academy, when she asked a tellarite professor if she could eat breakfast in class, because she had to skip it, due to a fire in her room." Sirgei said.

"That doesn't sound too horrible." Skylar said, questioningly.

"It is, when the woman eats half a pound of bacon for breakfast." Sirgei said, chuckling.

"Point taken." Skylar said, nodding. "Should I turn myself into the brig prematurely, or pretend to act innocently, until the Captain calls?"

"I say, pretend it never happened until the Captain calls to yell at you about it." Sirgei said. "Besides, we've got to finish the repairs to the Palamedes, and Callisto. Then we've got to get a collection of Tholian technology crated for the SCE pick-up."

"Right. Actual work to be done. Get a repair team to finish of the Palamedes. Double-shift them, as needed. Fleet before civilian." Skylar noted.

"Standard Operating Protocol. Aye sir." Sirgei said, nodding.

"Sirgei, I want you to do me a favor. Next time a Damron group ship docks, and needs repairs, put it at the bottom of the list. I know Fannin left a protocol worm in the computer, somewhere, that, somehow, even puts her ships above Fleet ships, for repair order. I want you to track it down, and delete it. I'm not about to get yelled at for breaking Fleet policy, over a civilian merchant group." Skylar said, softly.

"Of course sir.' Sirgei said, nodding, before he headed out of the office.

A small thing whizzed past his face. He took a step back.

"SHINY! SHINY! COME BACK HERE SHINY!" Lyra yelled, running past his office.

"Chief Warrant Officer." Skylar said, before Sirgei left.


"If I find my propulsion specialist following shiny things into airlocks, I'm going to start replacing my enlisted crew, through a similar manner. Are we clear?" Skylar asked.

"Of course sir. I'd never do such a thing to Lyra. She's to entertaining to play with. Kind of like a kitten, who has this brilliant skill at fixing things." Sirgei said, nodding, as he left the room.

Is he... sleeping with her? Skylar thought, watching Sirgei follow in the direction Lyra went.

Skylar shook his head, and tapped his comm badge. "Repair team to docking bay 4."


Lieutenant Commander(?) Skylar
Chief Engineer(?)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Propulsion Specialist, Engineering ooo! Shiny!

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist.


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