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A bit of a surprise...

Posted on Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 @ 8:54am by

488 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Engineering

"SKYLAR!" A booming voice demanded, as a slight individual, in a civilian jumper, entered the non-restricted section of Engineering.

"Good afternoon, lady Atwood. May I offer you some t-" Skylar said, exiting his office, to greet the imposing aura of Jane Atwood.


"Quite sorry, chap." Jacob said, with a scowl. "You know how she gets, when she's-"

"DON'T INTERRUPT MY RANTING!" Atwood yelled at her husband.

"Uhm.... sir..." Sirgei said, with a frown.

"Lyra." Skylar said. It was one word. A question that didn't really need answering.

"Sir." Sirgei said. It was confirmation. Nothing more needed to be said.

"Good heavens. You know who did this?" Jacob asked.

Sirgei nodded. "She's... a bit special. I think she thought Atwood would like it. Lyra's into very girly things."

"AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK?" Atwood demanded.

Thomas slipped a small cone-shaped object on to her head.

Sirgei threw confetti into the air.

Lyra stepped out of the office, holding a cupcake.

"Happy birthday!" Lyra yelled.

Atwood nearly blew a fuse.

"YOU!" She said, pointing at her husband. "YOU ARRANGED THIS?"

Sirgei chuckled, at the man's momentary look of fright.

"Yes, Jane. I thought you were being a little too tense lately..." Jacob said, with an uncomfortable look on his face.


"It...." Jacob started, but then shook his head. "Nevermind."

"It's your favoritist color!" Lyra said, with a smile. She handed Atwood the cupcake. "It says so, in your diary thing."

"You read my diary?" Atwood demanded.

"No. He did." Lyra said, pointing at Thomas.

"Oh dear." Jacob said, looking down.

"For... my birthday? Really?" Atwood asked, looking at the cupcake.

"It's Choklit." Lyra said, with a goofy grin on her face. "I made it myself, from scratch. It even has rainbow, sparkly, sprinkly thingys on them."

"You checked that she followed the recipe, yes?" Skylar whispered.

"Supervised her myself, sir." Sirgei whispered back.

Skylar nodded, and resumed his at-ease posture.

"I should kick all of your butts for this. Instead, I'm going to grab this cupcake, and go run away, and hide, on my pink starship." Atwood said, as she stole the cupcake from Lyra's hands. "And I'm not sharing!"

And she was gone. Just that fast.

"That did not go as planned." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow.

"No, but it was entertaining." Sirgei said, with a chuckle.

"She didn't hit anyone." Lyra said, with a goofy grin. "I'm going roller skating now."

Sirgei watched the ditzy blonde walk off, apparently satisfied. He shook his head.

"Roller skating?" Skylar asked.

"Sounds quite dangerous." Jacob said, with a scowl.

"Sounds like fun, actually." Sirgei said, with a chuckle, as he left, in the general direction Lyra had left.

"Kids." Jacob said, with a laugh.

"Tea?" Skylar asked.

"Quite right, old chap. Quite right. It is Four O'Clock, after all."


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