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Posted on Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 @ 8:24am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt

314 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

Jack strolled into the lobby outside his office and was caught off-guard by the woman sitting at the desk.

"Mrs. Nethercutt?" He quizzed, looking at the woman.

The older woman smiled and stood. "Nice to see you Jackie; or should I say Captain Hawkins?" Delilah gently folded her hands in front of herself, her eyes a bit misty.

Hawk's mind raced. The woman had been his teacher thirty years ago, what was she doing now on the outer reaches of the Federation, and in a uniform no less? "Ummm... Captain will be sufficient."

"Well then Captain, I have prepared your schedule for the day. Looks like it's going to be a killer." She walked over and handed the Captain a PADD. "I've taken the liberty of color-coding your meeting schedule and have built in some limited time between meetings so you might have the opportunity to read the briefs I've attached for each meeting."

Captain Hawkins was amazed and slowly started towards his office, Nethercutt following behind him. "This is umm... Impressive."

Delilah grinned. "I know." As they entered his office she walked ahead of him to his desk and poured him a glass of water. "Now, in addition to the briefing and meetings report, I have also programmed the replicator to general various snacks several times a day. I know you don't get a chance to leave the office as much as you'd prefer, but it's still terribly important that you eat."

"I don't know how to ummm...." Hawk stammered.

"You're welcome Captain Hawkins. If you need me, I'll be outside." Delilah turned on heel and began to walk out, pausing a moment to look back. "I'm proud of you Jackie, even though everyone else thinks you're a bit of a shit." With that, Delilah exited Hawk's Office.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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