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A birthday Surprise!

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 7:43am by

554 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Oriental Tea Rooms

Aeshia sat, at the counter, with a scowl. Witch-woman was in the back, examining the Accounting.

A Vulcan woman, in Engineering Yellow, and four golden pips, entered.

"I was told, by Lieutenant Commander Skylar, that I could find one Jane Atwood, of Callisto Salvage, incorporated, here." She said, without preamble.

Aeshia nodded, and pressed a button, which made the Summon supervisor button, recently installed, flash in the back room.

A minute later, Atwood stepped out.

"Miss Atwood, I represent the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Due to the extreme strain of the Athena Project, and lack of staffing, in Starbase Typhon's engineering department, we are asking for civilians with technical, or previous Starfleet training, to assist us with the project. You are on a list of 13 others, that I received from Admiral Willoughby, who may be of assistance. This position is voluntary. Will you assist us?" T'Yuna asked.

Aeshia liked the woman. Blunt. To the point. Simple to understand.

"I'm sorry, but we're just too busy, with the new businesses." Atwood said, shaking her head. "Trying to get everything straightened out, with paperwork, and what have you."

"You are refusing the offer, then?" T'Yuna asked.

Atwood nodded.

"Very well. Under the emergency services act of your resignation request, you can be redrafted, during a local, or fleet-wide emergency. The Engineering department's lack of staffing is considered one such emergency. As Starfleet is not able to send more assistance, in the near future, due to a lack of available personnel, you are hereby ordered back to active duty, under said clause, with the authorizations of Admiral Ongaku-Chi, Admiral Willoughby, Captain T'Yuna, and Lieutenant Commander Skylar. Your shift begins at 0800 hours, tomorrow morning. All other concerns are now secondary." T'Yuna noted, and handed Atwood a PADD, after hitting the 'submit' button.

Atwood stared at it, astonished.

"You said the position was voluntary." Atwood said, with a scowl.

"Indeed, it was. I did not mention, however, that I had been authorized to forcedly enlist your assistance, for the Starbase's Engineering team, if need be." T'Yuna said, and, on that note, left.

Atwood nearly exploded. She grabbed the PADD, and headed towards Engineering.

Very slowly, Aeshia began a soft, evil-sounding laugh.

Transcript of PADD as follows:

Recipient: Jane Atwood, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Callisto Salvage Incorporated.
Carbon Copies are hereby filed with:
Lieutenant Commander Skylar, Chief Engineer, Starbase Typhon.
Captain Anna Johnson, Executive Officer, Starbase Typhon.
Captain Jackson Hawkins, Commanding Officer, Starbase Typhon.
Captain T'Yuna, Project Executive Officer, Project Athena, Commanding Officer, Starfleet Corps of Engineers Typhon dispatch.
Admiral Williams Sanders, Project Commanding Officer, Project Athena.
Admiral Willoughby, Starfleet Personnel, San Francisco, Earth.
Admiral Ongaku-Chi, Starfleet Corps of Engineers Dispatching Officer, Paris, Earth.

As of Earth date July 14th, 2388, at 0800 hours, Jane Atwood has been redrafted by Starfleet Engineering, under the emergency services clause of her resignation form, to the rank of Acting Lieutenant, until such time her services are deemed unnecessary.

Position to be held:
Assistant Chief Engineer

Authorized Signatures:

Admiral Ongaku-Chi, SCE Dispatching Officer
Admiral Willoughby, Starfleet Personnel
Captain T'Yuna, SCE Team Leader, Typhon dispatch
Lieutenant Commander Skylar, Chief Engineer, Starbase Typhon.


Captain T'Yuna
SCE Team Leader(Typhon SCE Dispatch), Project Executive Officer(Project Athena)

Now Acting Lieutenant Jane Atwood
Now Assistant Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Aeshia Dew
Tea Lady
Oriental Tea Rooms.


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