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Get Out And PUSH!

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 8:57am by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Lieutenant Chartreuse Green

795 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Main Engineering - USS Wimbledon

"I don't know what all they done to this ship, but these engine specs are ludicrous!" Chartreuse complained as she crawled out from under the main junction relaying warp plasma to the manifold. "Looks like to Tellarites fighting under a blanket over a rotten apple in there..."

Carter was somewhat shocked by the Lieutenant's rather verbose personality. He glanced over at Commander Skylar. "Looks like the Wimbledon is taking a bit more time than we anticipated..."

Skylar nodded. "That would be Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh's do-"

"SKYLAR!" The exuberantly annoyed voice of Jane Atwood filled the room.

"Lyra." Skylar said, with a scowl.

Lyra held up her mitten-covered hands. "Wasn't me!"

"DID YOU SIGN THIS?" Atwood demanded, shoving a PADD into his hands.

"That, and 2700 other PADDs I didn't have time to read, today, at lunch, yes." Skylar said. He skimmed it over briefly, then quirked an eyebrow. "Computer, time."

"It is 0130 hours." The computer noted.

"You had best get some rest, Acting Lieutenant. Your shift, apparently, starts in 6 and one half hours." Skylar said, dryly.

"SKYLAR! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Atwood yelled.

"It's properly authorized, Lieutenant. You aren't in uniform. I'll have your assignment ready when your shift starts." Skylar said. He looked Atwood straight in the eye. "Dismissed."

Atwood flushed about 19 different colors of red, before storming out.

"Sorry, we were discussing the Wimbledon's engine status, yes?" Skylar asked, turning back to the people on loan from the SCE.

Chartreuse snickered to herself. "You just activated that woman?! That's classic!"

"Classic? Isn't that a bit much?" Rotrov was shocked.

"I did not." Skylar said, reading the PADD over. "It would be the efforts of Captain T'Yuna, and Admirals Ongaku-Chi, and Willoughby. I will have to send them flower baskets."

"Sarcasm, chief?" Sirgei asked.

Skylar nodded.

"Perfect. That was brilliantly executed. We'll get you a proper sense of humor yet." Sirgei said, chuckling.

Chartreuse became serious for a moment. "Boys, we gotta find a way to get this danged ship ready for departure or the Captain will expect us to get out and push."

"Surely not." Carter responded.

"Shut your mouth pretty boy and get your fine rear to work." Chartreuse shook her head for a moment and snapped her fingers.

Skylar nodded. "The lady is wise." He said, nodding. "Lyra, if you'd be so kind as to re-align the IMPulse engines. Sirgei-"

"Supervise. Gotcha." Sirgei said, nodding.

Skylar nodded, and the two left the area. Skylar began repairing the damage caused by Lyra's actions.

Carter began working as instructed when he was interrupted by Chartreuse.

"Hey, Buns, I ain't climbing under that manifold again... You get yourself over there and work on that and let a lady have a seat at the master readout. Besides your hunky arms are better equipped."

Chartreuse sashayed over to the panel as Carter tried to squeeze his bulky body into the tiny crevice provided for manifold maintenance.

"Lord it's hot." Green complained to herself. "Somebody gonna need to bring me a lemonade."

Skylar was far too busy tapping commands into his tricorder, and making appropriate adjustments to the warp core. "Computer, purge current intermix flow."

The chamber went completely grey.

"Using new intermix levels, as programmed into peripheral device Tricorder William - 2- 1- 7- Alpha - Gamma, begin warp intermix sequence, and, once appropriate levels are reached, reintegrate Warp Intermix Chamber into local power access networks." Skylar said, once the computer indicated it was ready.

"Affirmative." The computer responded. Slowly, the blue pulse returned.

"That should fix the power issues. Now we just have to repair the damage done to the Warp Plasma manifolds, leading to the nacelles." Skylar said, nodding.

Chartreuse nodded. "I've got the hairy hunk workin on that right now..."

A large thud came from under the plasma manifold. "SON OF A..." Carter had struck his head on the access panel to the manifold.

Green looked at Skylar. "See?" She grinned.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. He said nothing, assuming the Rotrov would speak up, if he had an issue with her speech.

"Bobgdonovich to Lieutenant Commander Skylar."

"Present." Skylar said, grateful for the distraction.

"We're stuck in the turbo-lift... seems the life chutes aren't working properly." Sirgei's voice said, with an obviously distressed tone.

Skylar nodded to Chartreuse, and the general direction of Rotrov. "If you'll pardon me, I have duties elsewhere."

Chartreuse nodded. "You go on Commander Skylar. I got things under control here..."


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer
USS Runnymede

Lieutenant Chartreuse Green
Alpha Team Leader
Project Athena

Acting Lieutenant Jane Atwood
Acting Assistant Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Token blonde idiot
Starbase Typhon

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems specialist
Starbase Typhon


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