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People Watching

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2011 @ 11:51am by Commander Krang Darkmoon

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Typhon Promenade
Timeline: Current


Sophia was dressed in a simple dress. Her mother had always called the "sack" dresses. It was made from a simple organic fabric known as "denim." It was blue with a white panel on the chest with a whimsical pattern embroidered on it.

She sat at a table on the lower level of the promenade, sipping her warm tea and watching the people go by. It was her favorite pass time.

She watched a Ferengi gesture passionately with his hands and arms as he tried to persuade a young human officer that he was selling genuine Terran antiques.

Her attention moved to a young couple, obviously enamored with each other, walking hand in hand through the crowd.

Another sip of tea and another random scan of the crowd finds a family near an air lock. The woman dressed in a Starfleet uniform, saying tearful goodbyes to a man and three children.

The site of the children brings to mind Alexander. If the universe had seen fit to let him live, he would be a young man by now, maybe even a bright young officer on one of these ships. This thought brought with it a pain in her heart and a deep sigh.

These thoughts took her mind to Perceus and she picked up the PADD she had lying on the table. She requested an outside subspace channel and waited for the signal to come through.

She sipped her tea again and found that the cup was actually empty. She reached for the pot and found it empty too. She caught the attention of a passing waiter and requested another pot.

Her PADD signaled that it had a connection and she typed in the address for her husband back home. A moment later the spinning Federation crest was replaced by the smiling face of an older man with a bushy white beard and shaggy eyebrows.

"Sophia my dove, I wasn't expecting to hear from you today." Percy said with a warm smile.

"I know." she agreed. "I am waiting for my new assignment to arrive and my thoughts turned to home."

Percy nodded, "I never will turn down a chance to talk to you dear, but aren't these calls expensive?"

"What do I know of expensive?" she asked. "I work long hours on assignments far away. This is the first time I've been on a station for longer than one night is years. What am I going to spend credits on?"

The connection suddenly dropped. "Oh bat feathers!" she fussed, giving an angry frown to the offending piece of technology.

"Such language." spoke an oddly familiar voice behind her. If she wasn't sure it couldn't be, she would swear it sounded just like Percy.

She turned around out of morbid curiosity an was shocked to find Percy standing there, grinning like an idiot.

She stood so quickly, her chair fell over. "What? How? I thought.." she stammered.

"I decided that my assistant could handle the gallery for a while without me and hopped the first transport out here. My contact in Starfleet was able to tell me that the publicly available information about the Calypso put it here for a few days so if I hurried, I just might catch you."

She rushed forward and took the small man in her arms and gave him a huge hug.

"How long are you here for my love?" she asked, almost afraid of the answer?

He groaned a bit under her squeezing. He was small, even for a human, and she did tend to squeeze a bit too tight when she was really excited.

"That all depends on your Captain York. I sent in an application to tend the bar in the Calypso's lounge."

The was the wrong thing to say. The already crushing embrace re-doubled in intensity.

"Too tight..too tight." he wheezed.

She finally realized what he was saying and put him down.

"We'll just have to wait and see what she says." he said, taking a deep breath.

The waiter arrived with the new pot of tea and set it on the table. "Bring on extra cup please for my husband." she asked him.

The waiter nodded and hurried off again.

They took their seats and a moment later the other cup arrived.

The next hour slipped by quickly in a swirl of warm tea and people watching.


Lieutenant Sophia
U.S.S. Calypso

Percy Johnson


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