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Who Did What?

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 8:49pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir & Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S.

1,601 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

Krang was making his morning rounds in the residential district when the entire station shook briefly. The lights flicked momentarily and the red alert klaxons sounded.

He rushed over to a nearby computer panel and accesses security systems.

"What the hell?" he mumbled as he was having a hard time registering the information that was being presented.

He played back the last two minutes of sensor data and his worse fears were confirmed.

There was the shimmer of a transporter beam, then a small cube shaped object appeared, then a massive explosion rocked the ops deck.

Krang accessed the internal communications. "This is Commander Darkmoon to all senior staff. This is a level one emergency roll call. Please state your location and status."

"Captain Johnson, here on the promenade."" She said, "On my way to security."

"Colonel von Hackleberg here in the Marine HQ. All Marines enroute to battlestations within then next three minutes, the Rapid Reaction Company is on standby."

There was a moment, when the connection to Engineering was overloaded with a lot of noise. Then there was the sound of doors closing. "Lieutenant Commander Skylar reporting, Sir. Damage control teams en route, estimated damage is largely cosmetic, more likely to harm personnel, than the equipment present. You'll have my full damage report in precisely seven hours." At which point, the connection to Engineering terminated.

The external comms activated. "This is Neniphim, I'm outside the base, on patrol. There's been no action out here what so ever. Why are we suddenly under red alert?" Tara was looking around and scanning the area. She figured that any info would come in from official channels if it was needed.

"There has been an explosion in Ops. The internal sensors in the area are knocked offline in the blast. We're not sure where the explosive originated, but it was beamed in."

Wilhelm heard this and responded, "Staff Sergeant Krupp. Grab Wilks and Savir and go up to Ops and see if you can identify the explosive, I don't care if you have to wear EVA suits! I want a preliminary report within the hour." Wilhelm heard and affirmative reply.

"Vi'ir here. I am located in sickbay with Commander Hart. Can I get a casualty report for him, and do I need to bring Secondary Operations online to take over?" Selith asked, helping move a cart into position.

"We don't have a casualty report yet. Transporters are down, the lifts have been damaged in the explosion and the internal sensors are offline." Krang responded. "As far as Secondary Ops goes, that would be Captain Johnson's call."

"Aye, sir. I'll head that way and start prepping it for command takeover. I'll try to get it crewed so it can take over or be used as a damage control center as needed. Vi'ir out." Selith replied, breaking into a sprint toward the nearest access shaft.

Anna had changed directions and headed for the area that was back up ops in an emergency. "Johnson moving ops to secondary station, Alpha Nine Zero Eight Nine Gamma." She said a chirp was heard then the voice of the computer, "Secondary Operations is available."

Anna tapped her com badge, "All hands secondary ops is now open anyone that can assist with ops report to the secondary station."

For his part, Basil didn't respond, as he was busy repairing the femoral artery of a crewman who was bleeding out. He was up to his elbows in the woman's blood, and muttered under his breath. "Don't you die on me! I'm not about to let a little thing like a few liters of blood snuff you out!" He continued wrestling with the woman for her very life without a word, grimly using every trick in the book to save her.

"Ambassador Annhwi. I am in my office. All is well here. The Romulan Star Empire has no idea what happened, but if I hear of anything, I will let you know."

Raven walked briskly into Intel and began running a number of scans and searches to see what she could find about the explosion. "Commander Adams. I'm in Intel."

Basil's nurse was doing a fine job under such pressure. She quickly handed him the right tools almost before he asked for them. keeping his patients blood pressure levels up was much easier since he sealed off all of the major arterial lacerations. The worst was over. Checking over his handiwork one more time, he leaned forward, allowing the nurse to mopping his brow with a sponge. As he continued to work, he tapped the sterile comm panel on his instrument table. "Commander Hart here. Commander Darkmoon, I have several critically injured personnel here! What the hell happened?"

"There was some sort of explosion in main Ops. Transporters are down as are the lifts. I'm not sure how we're going to get anyone in there seeing as how the jefferies tubes are too small for EVA suits. Who ever did this, planned it well." Krang answered. "Have a medical team standing by once we figure out how to access the crime scene."

Darkmoon entered the secondary Ops room as he was speaking. "What's our status and who all has checked in?" he asked no one in particular.

Anna looked at him, "It looks like most of the main ops deck is blocked off, fire suppression systems are putting out the fires but right now it will be a while before we can get up there. Transporters are off line, shields are on line and holding, from what I can tell something was beamed in directly to ops itself so somehow whoever did this was either inside our shields or got through them." Anna said.

"I have a team working on trying to figure that out. Everyone else is trying to coordinate, but we're understaffed at the moment. General Quarters was sounded, but with the transporters and lifts out, it's going to take time to report in.." Selith added, checking through reports and generally multi-tasking to the best of his ability. he turned back to his console without waiting for a reply.

Wilhelm watched as his Marines grabbed weapons and equipment when an idea struck him and hit his COMM, "Captain Johnson, since lifts and transporters are out. I'm requesting to take one of our forced boarding Hoppers and cut our way into Ops. Load it down with whatever engineers and medics that are already available in my section of the station and use the transporters on the Hoppers and shuttlecraft to move wounded, personnel, and equipment as necessary."

Skylar entered the area where Captain Johnson and Commander Darkmoon were in. "Absolutely not. The emergency systems in that area is already strained enough. If you decompress the Operations deck, in that manner, you could trigger a catastrophic failure in those emergency systems, which will likely cause four decks to decompress. The damage to the station, and estimated civilian casualties is unacceptably high."

Raven heard the last comments as she walked into the room and stood by Skylar. "Can you use the emergency transporters for site-to-site from within the station If so, you could lock onto life signs and beam them directly to sickbay."

"Not until we can stabilize the one teleporter in the area that is still operational. It is coming on and off line randomly and the risk of loosing crew would be too large. Also until its stable we can't risk anyone else beaming anything else into ops." Anna said, her fingers working frantically as she spoke.

Raven nodded her understanding. Her job was to gather information and find out what happened. It would be up to Skylar and the others to rescue the survivors.

Wilhelm finally arrived into the secondary Ops center out of breath. "How about we simply cut up from the deck below Ops? Use portable force fields to hold in the atmosphere? If done carefully it shouldn't compromise structural integrity."

"May I suggest we use the Colonel's idea to move critical personnel around the station? Starting with medical and engineering teams to Main ops, then bringing Ops and Engineering teams to needed locations, and finally getting our Security plans into place." Selith offered.

In Sickbay, the lights dimmed and the sterile field weakened again. opening a comm channel, Basil spoke urgently. "I know things are a bit hectic, but could we make power to sickbay a priority? If we lose power more than we already are, I'll lose patients!"

Anna looked at the Colonel, "Take a team and get into ops so we can account for dead and injured." She tapped her combadge to respond to medical, "I'm working on maintaining power doctor but somethings are harder to reroute than others." Anna was about to scream and in fact was looking forward to the fact that she would be on a ship soon.

Krang made a few quick calls and then looked at the Colonel "I'll send a team of my guys with you as well."

Wilhelm nodded, "Aye aye." Wilhelm then headed towards the door and hit his COMM, "Breacher Squad to deck 2 however you can get there. Bring your cutting toys. There will be a Security team there as well."

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief of Operations
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief of Engineering
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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