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Back to Yerdi Space

Posted on Thu Nov 10th, 2011 @ 4:04am by Miral Annhwi & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,443 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I


Miral sat next to Commander Rennad on the Warbird. "Contact Mr. Tal'ehrihn," he said.

Khiy sat in the command chair of the Khellian watching his people work their stations. They moved quickly and efficiantly, as he was sure those he couldn't see were also doing. Tension was high, but it lacked the nervousness of an inexperienced crew. Khiy had chosen these people specifically; they were all battle hardened and calm under preasure, something they would need in short order.

"Coded communication coming in, Sir." Announced his comm specialist.

"On screen." Khiy ordered.

The image flashed up of a young Romulan, who Khiy guessed was in his early 40s, sitting confidently on the command deck of the warbird.

"Good afternoon, Captain." Khiy said with a curt nod.

"You appear to be in charge," he said, glancing at Miral. "We depart on your orders."

"We leave immediately, then. We are to meet up with the Temarr and Ra'khoi at the designated coordinates." Khiy said, referencing his other two Birds of Prey. He had sent them out days ahead so as not to arouse too much suspicion from Starfleet. "Once there we will do a final systems check and move into Yerdisian space."

"Very good. Rennad out." The screen went dark. Commander Rennad looked to Miral. "Take communications."

Miral nodded. "Sir." She checked in with the starbase and received clearance. "We're clear to leave. Cordinates have been received from the Khellian."

The Commander nodded and looked at his helmsman. "Take us out. We'll meet the others at the rendezvous point."


Many hours later the Khellian came out of warp at their designated rendezvous point. The space was vacant of anything notable...unless you knew what to look for.

"Disengage the cloaking device." Damon ordered as they came to a full stop.

"Aye, Sir."

The space around the Khellian seemed to bend and form around the slowly revealing K'vort class Bird of Prey. It took only a few short seconds for the pearl white battleship to solidify and stand alone on the inky backdrop of space.

"Two ships decloaking off our port bow." The helmsman called out.

"On screen." Khiy watched as two smaller B'rel class Birds of Prey materialized out of the same empty space. He recognized them to be the Temarr and Ra'khoi as they shared the same Pearl white exterior paint scheme as their larger brethren.

"They signal all is well and are waiting for your command, Sir". The communications specialist's hands danced over the console in front of him as he deciphered the coded message.

"Excellent. Have them stand ready for my instructions. We should be expecting our final guest shortly."

The Warbird dropped out of warp and came to a stop. Three ships? Rennad looked at Miral. "If this is a trap I'll gut you before you blink twice."

Miral stared coldly at her former acquaintance. "Do you possibly think I would go to these lengths to destroy you? For what end? As you can see, my friend is better equipped than you. This is exactly what I said it was. We go to Yerdi space to avenge their attack on the Khellian. And for you to gain a victory in battle." She'd grown unaccustomed to the paranoia of her people in the time she'd spend with the humans. Perhaps this was a good reminder to her. She tapped the comm. "S'task to Khellian. I like your new ships."

Khiy chuckled. "Thank you. TGT has a small fleet, but one with a few teeth." He looked at the D'deridex class warbird displayed on his view screen. He was filled with a strange feeling of pride, Romulan pride, for the beauty and grace of it's sweeping lines, all belying a destructive power. "That ship suits you Miral."

She smiled wryly. "On a mission such as this, perhaps. Working with someone like you? That I will concede." She'd done her time in the Romulan military and she was glad to be out of it. But she did like the feel of being back on a starship. She glanced at the Commander before addressing Khiy again. "How do you wish us to proceed? We are at your command."

Commander Rennad ground his teeth, not happy with the idea that this traitor called the shots. But, if Miral was correct, he would come out of this with a story worthy of a Klingon. If not, he'd see Miral didn't come out of this at all.

Khiy nodded. Time to do business. "We will move out as a tight pack, evading their cloaked military patrols until we reach the planet's outer atmosphere. Once there, one of our ships will decloak and announce the prophets intention on taking the planet back. A quick and peaceful resolution would be preferable, but unlikely." Khiy sat a little straighter in his seat. "That's where we go to work. When negotiations fail we will systematically target their military vessels as a show of overwhelming force." Khiy was reluctant to mention that it wouldn't likely end unless strategic orbital bombardments were employed. "We keep moving outward from the planet until his wished are complied with."

Khiy thought for a moment and smiled to himself. "Commander Rennad. How would you like to have the honour of being the ship to compliment the 'prophets' demands? What better way to make a name than decloaking alone on the enemies doorstep, surrounded by hundreds of enemy cruisers and with the audacity to demand their unconditional surrender? It would certainly be a testamat to your contribution here and one worthy of note."

The Commander smiled coldly. "Yes, if we come out alive." He glanced at Miral, his eyes reflecting his displeasure. "I was not given all the information. I trust you have enough firepower to ensure a victory? And a profit? I do not entertain the same foolishly altruistic motives of your Federation."

"Commander." Khiy said with a dark look on his face. "I would remind you of who you are talking to. Ambassador Annhwi has served with distinction in the Romulan armada and has garnished her fair share of victories in the heat of battle. She would not be aboard your ship if she thought this was a lost cause without reward. Neither she nor I are fools and any further implication of that on your part will not be tolerated." Khiy folded his hands together and sat straighter in his seat. "Now she assured me that you are a man of distinction and honour. It was her that convinced me to allow you to join us as you would have something to gain here." He leaned forward and seemed to growl. "With her trust in your abilities, are you now calling her a fool?"

Rennad glared at him, clearly displeased with his words. "It is you who should remember that I am here as a favor to the Ambassador. I choose where I will fight. As to her military prowess; well, let's just say she turned down a command of her own to become a babysitter for your Federation."

Khiy's expression remained neutral as he regarded the man. He decided then that he would find a way to make the man pay for his unflattering words about Miral. He seemed to think on this for a moment before speaking again. "As it stands, we can either sit here and argue the matter or prepare to enter Yerdisian space. If you do not have confidence enough in your ship or crew than I shall be the one to offer demands to their ruling body."

"I have no doubt that my crew will perform as required. It is you and your crew I doubt. A trading company in battle? No matter. I will be victorious. Send me the coordinates and I will do as you wish." For now, he added silently. As long as things went well, he'd work with this Romulan.

Khiy nodded. He felt like mentioning that he had far more battle experience than this Romulan ever had, but thought better of it. Soon enough this man would be a distant memory. The thought made Khiy smile a bit.

Rennad severed the connection and turned to Miral. "For your sake, I hope this goes well." He turned to his Lieutenant. "Cloak and head to Yerdi Prime. Prepare for battle stations."


Commander Rennad

Khiy Ta'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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