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Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2010 @ 8:43pm by

660 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Tiberius V
Timeline: Current


The hours shot by and before anyone knew it, the cities were in the Typhon expanse, they'd drop out of warp and hold orbit for a bit while the LZ's were finalized and then it would be time to make landfall. First though they had to drop from warp and hit orbit.

[Control Room]

"Can't wait to get out of this damn interlink chamber" Baldwin said, "frigging Best took sick call an hour in."

"Nothing you can do know but get us in orbit fast as ye' can" Mat said in the next chamber. The chambers were a marvel of technology, each one a chair of sorts with control panels all around it and on the sides electrodes that'd come in over the operator to connect their minds to the city's computers; the panels were just the back up controls.

Officers around the room kept an eye on things should someone falter under the mental load, the walls and even ceiling and floors here were giant displays showing every neural signal. At the moment the walls showed a lot of visual feeds of the planet and the forest they were headed for.

[Command Center]

"Cue up entry course" Varg said, spinning in his chair to face the main viewer, one of many holographic screens that dropped off the ceiling. A top down map appeared, showing their course towards the planet, "mark course change for direct orbital entry."

"Projecting" an ops officer said, typing in a series of commands that gradually altered the map until it finally stopped. "We'll have to drop out five minutes later, but we can make it."

"Transfer to control room" Varg said, then he opened the city wide coms, "all hands, prepare for orbital insertion, I advise you find a good place to see your new home for the first time, we'll be dropping out at the edge of daylight and only get an hour to see it lit up." The com closed and he turned back to the screen, "time to entry?"

"Ten minutes" the ops officer answered, not even looking up from his work.

[Control Room]

"Mat, get ready to take power off the secondary relay, send it into the impulse drive" Baldwin said, "I'm gonna need a bit more to get us latched in geo sync."

"Got it," Mat answered, rolling massive ammounts of power through the grid as if it were just another day at the office. "Jane, watch our shields, we're gonna be going through a pretty thick cloud of ionized gas just before we drop. I really don't wanna have to pay for that later."

"Ok everyone, hang on" Baldwin said, cutting off the impeller coils and letting the city drift in its warp field. As it slowed he flipped it around to keep the bottom facing the planet, it was a movement like a pendulum, totally flipping around. "Sublight in!"

A wild flash appeared around Mirar city and the surrounding space as it and Aurorus coasted into sublight speeds, then all at once there was a deep, loud sound as the impulse engines came to full power and deftly slowed the city just right to pop into orbit.

"Ok, lets let everyone see home" Baldwin said, firing the thrusters and rotating the city so that it would be parrallel to the planet's surface. Anyone near a planet-side window could get a good look for the next hour or so.

"Command center" Mat said, "are we good to unhook for now?"

"Yea, for now just be ready for landfall tomorrow" Varg said. As soon as his words reached the crew in the control center the neural connections ceased glowing and pulled off into the chairs with the exception of the cranial ones, which simply split to either side. The panels running all across the front split and made way for everyone to get out, after over two days in there who could blame them.



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