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Early Arrival

Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2010 @ 7:33pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

267 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Typhon Expanse
Timeline: Current


Two weeks, how bout' two days? Aurorus and Mirar City had left home under Gravitational Jump Drive, a method of warp travel that exploited the energy and topography of space to hit warp speeds with little power usage, your warp speed was to an extent unpredicatable. About three hours after launch the cities had struck traveling gold, a distortion stretch so clear they hit warp eight and then after that one taking them over warp nine.

[Mirar City]

"ETA?" Varg asked for the millionth time, their rate of travel had been constantly increasing and he just couldn't resist asking every time the opportunity arose.

"Eighteen hours, twenty minutes" the ops officer answered, although you couldn't tell from his tone, he dearly wished the Governor would get out of the command center.

"Hail Starbase Typhon and get me the commanding office" Varg ordered, "at this speed we might as well start plotting our approach to the system."

Fannin was briefed of the Message and had Varg on the view screen.

"This is Captain Fannin, Commanding Officer starbase Typhon."

"Captain, we've got a nice tailwind, we'll be on your doorstep in eighteen hours" Varg said, "while we're this far out we should probably get our vectors to the planet."

"Very good Sir, those shall be downloaded to you now, Welcome to our system."

"Thank you captain, I'm sure it will be a great place to live" Varg said, "has there been any word from Destiny about where we'll be putting down? They only sent a brief message that a deal had been struck."

"Very good, Fannin Out"



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