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Posted on Wed Feb 29th, 2012 @ 10:32pm by

1,809 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Various
Timeline: Various

Lyra had been up all night. Link was gone.

But it was all okay. Sirgei was here. And he was almost as cuddly as Link was.

Sirgei had fallen asleep about 3 hours before the alarm would have to go off, and Lyra had just quietly laid there. It was kind of scary, in the dark, especially without Sirgei to fight off the Link-stealing-gremlins under the bed.

She would occasionally have nightmares about the time before she had an accident. It was scary. Everything was so structured, and not-pretty.

For the first time, Lyra wondered what Sirgei's life had been like, before Lyra. She shook her head. It didn't matter. She hugged him closer, and closed her eyes. And then opened again.

Damn Gremlins. She thought to herself. They'd steal the admiral if she'd let them.


Captain Bobgdonovich, of Bobgdonovich Salvage and Freight, Inc., stared down, at his 15 year old son.

"Ye dare say that you be not stayin' aboard, lad?" The only member of Bobgdonovich S&F team, that didn't have the last name Bobgdonovich asked.

"Got a problem with it, you filthy Romulan?" Sirgei demanded.

"Son! You-"

"No. I'm tired of pretending that I don't know what some of your jobs are. I'm tired of telling people 'I'm just a kid'.-" Sirgei started.

"You just want to get in to the Starfleeter's pants, lad." The Scottish man at the helm console said, with a chuckle.

Right before Sirgei laid him out, on the deck.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that-"

"What the hell happened in that hospital, boy?" Sirgei's father demanded.

"I grew up. Had to." Sirgei said, looking defiantly at his father. "You don't need me anyways. You and mom say it, now and again. I'm just a waste of valuable living quarters."

"This is about that Ensign-"

"Yes, damn it. It is. I almost killed her. I ruined her whole damn life. Don't you think it's appropriate-"

"What?" His father demanded. "That you take care of her? That you make sure she's okay? That you are responsible for her?"

"YES! All this time, you've complained about Starfleet, and their Admirals making things difficult, yet a Starfleet Admiral was the only one who was supportive of the fact that I'm trying to take responsibility-"

"Don't even try to make yourself sound big with your fancy words, and your references to Admirals. You're my son. You've had the best teaching money can buy. You eat my expensive food-"


"Sirgei?" A quiet voice that no one really recognized, and hadn't realized had followed on to the bridge. "Why is the Captain man being scary?"

Sirgei stopped. He frowned. "Because he's mean. We're leaving."

And Sirgei left.

His father had still kept in contact, and, over time, a business-esque relationship had been built, but his father still refused to treat Sirgei like a grown man.


23 year old Lyra was terrified, walking on to that bridge, with Sirgei. Sirgei had said that yelling was going to happen. Lyra didn't like yelling. Yelling was bad.

Now that they were headed to the ship's docking ports, Lyra wondered why Sirgei's dad had been so mean to Sirgei. Admiral lady had said that he was being a good boy.

And the Admiral Lady was always right.

Because she was the Admiral lady.

They wouldn't make someone an Admiral lady unless they were always right.

Admiral Lady also said Sirgei would watch over Lyra, to make sure she was safe. And Sirgei was doing that. So why was the Captain man so mean to Sirgei?


Lyra nearly jumped three feet when her communicator sounded off.

"Alarm. Alarm. It is time to wake up. Alarm. Alarm. It is time to wake up."

Sirgei rubbed his eyes, groggily. Lyra thought he looked cute when he was just waking up.

"Alright, Lyra. Let's find Mister Link." Sirgei said, ruffling her hair, before climbing down off the top bunk.

Link, however, had apparently not fallen through an interdimensional transtemporal wormhole, or other related anomaly. He had merely fallen off the bunk bed.

Sirgei picked him up, and handed him to Lyra.

"YAY! THANK YOU SIRGEI!" Lyra said, leaping off the top bunk, and tackling him to the ground.

Sirgei groaned. Apparently this had hurt.

"I sorry, Sirgei." Lyra said, in the tone a 6 year old who knew she had done something bad, would say.

"It's alright Lyra." Sirgei said, managing to get up. "Just don't do that before coffee, again."

"'Kay!" Lyra said, and bounded off in to the living room.


Sirgei had been brought, by the Admiral Lady, to Earth, to take some engineering and computing courses. During that time, Lyra had been given an opportunity to see her parents again.

They pretty much disowned her, upon discovering her condition, and so Lyra had spent much of her time, helping Sirgei study.

Sirgei was 17 now. And Lyra was 5 whole handfulls. Which, Sirgei had noted, was an appropriate way of phrasing it.

"Sirgei?" Lyra asked him.

"Yes, Lyra?" Sirgei asked, between mouthfulls of field rations, and reading a book on Warp Field Theory.

"Are you happy?" Lyra asked.

Sirgei looked up, not sure of the question. "What do you mean, Lyra?"

"Well, you know. You is in Starfleet now. You get to stay with me. You don't seem very happy, but you told Admiral Lady that this is what you wanted." Lyra said.

"I'm just... frustrated. At parents. Both yours, and mine." Sirgei said, before returning his attention to the book.

"'Kay." Lyra said.


"Sirgei?" Lyra asked the 19 year old Sirgei.

"Your uniform is folded, by the end of the bed, Lyra." Sirgei said, from the kitchen area of their living quarters, on Typhon.

"Not my question." Lyra said.

Sirgei looked up. "Yes, Lyra?"

"Are you happy?" Lyra asked.

Sirgei shrugged. "It's just been a stressful-"

"NOT MY QUESTION! WHY AREN'T YOU LISTENING?" Lyra exclaimed. "You look at mean Atwood lady, and her husband, with a funny expression sometimes. You do it to Commander Skylar, and Raven lady, too. And other peoples. Why aren't you happy? Isn't this what you said you wanted?"


Sirgei frowned, shocked by the question. It wasn't normally a question Lyra asked, anymore. And this time, there were serious undertones to it. It was a delicate question to answer, and he wasn't sure how. He continued focusing on making Coffee, Eggs, and Bacon, Hot chocolate, and pancakes, all at the same time. It wouldn't be a big thing, except that neither the bacon, nor the pancakes, ever came out of the replicator right, so Sirgei replicated the ingredients, and raw bacon, and made it himself.

"I..." Sirgei said. He stared down into the sizzling pan of eggs. "Lyra, it's not that I'm not happy. I just envy them."

"Why?" Lyra asked.

"Well... that's hard to explain." Sirgei said, as he poured some milk in to the eggs, and began to whisk them.

"Well explain it then. I'm not stoopid!" Lyra exclaimed. "You treat me like a little kid." She added, with a grumpy face on.

Flip the pancakes. Flip the bacon. Stir the eggs.

"Lyra, look, it's just one of those things-"

"THAT I'M TOO STOOPID TO UNDERSTAND?" Lyra demanded. "What is wrong? Why can't you tell Lyra? Didn't you promise not to lie to Lyra?"

Sirgei had promised not to lie to Lyra, indeed, after he had done so, once too many times, and she had figured it out.

"I'm not lying, Lyra. I'm being deliberately obtuse about the subject." Sirgei noted, pondering still, how to answer the question.

"TELL ME!" Lyra yelled.

"They have something I want. I can't have it, but I want it." Sirgei said, finally.

Flip the Pancakes, take them off. Remove the bacon. Remove the eggs.


Pour the coffee.


Pour the hot chocolate.

Set the table.


Sirgei sat down, at his plate, and began eating, quietly.

"What do they have? Pretty rank pips?" Lyra asked. Her face was all crumpled, and she looked positively adorable. Not that Sirgei was about to mention it.

Sirgei shook his head. "A romantic relationship with the person they care about." Sirgei said, scowling.

"Sirgei has a crush on someone!" Lyra yelled, excitedly. "Who is it?"

Sirgei dropped his knife, and fork. How did... she... not... know?

"WHO IS IT?" Lyra asked/demanded/yelled excitedly.

"Who do you see when you look in the mirror, Lyra?" Sirgei asked.

"My twin sister Aryl." Lyra said, confused. "She does everything I do, but in reverse world, so it looks left to right, instead of right to left."

Sirgei briefly pondered whether or not Lyra was joking with him, but this was Lyra. She was probably serious.

"You have a crush on Aryl?" Lyra said, her eyes suddenly opening wide, as though she understood.

"No." Sirgei said, shaking his head.

"Well then why did you bring her up?" Lyra demanded.

"Because she looks like the person I care about." Sirgei said.

"What? The lady that lives in the fountain, but can only be seen when I lean over to say hi?"

"No, Lyra." Sirgei said, before putting a strip of bacon in his mouth.

"Uhm..." Lyra said, thoughtfully. "I dunno."

"It's..." Sirgei swallowed the bacon, before finishing, as he had taken great effort to teach Lyra not talk with her mouth full. "You."

Lyra looked confused. "Ensign Yu doesn't look anything like me!" Lyra exclaimed.

Sirgei shook his head, and then spelled it out. "Y. O. U. As in, Lyra Walsh." Sirgei said, still shaking his head.

"But I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me? How can you-" She stopped. "You are taking care of me because you care." She said, achieving a logic train not normally in the ball-park of what one would credit Lyra with.

Sirgei nodded.

"Aww, thank you." She said, before running over and giving him a hug.

"What-" Sirgei said, dropping his cup of coffee.

"You think I is cute. You loves me." Lyra said. "What's not to understand silly head?" Lyra asked.

Sirgei sat there, uncertain as to what to say to such a statement.

"So does that mean you is going to propose, and we is going to get married, and live happily ever after?" Lyra asked. "I always like that part about princess stories."

Sirgei decided it was appropriate to pass out.

"Sirgei! You can't die. We has to get married. You wake up this instant! SIRGEI! SIRGEI! SIRGEI! SIRGEI!" Lyra said, shaking him. "Maybe he is sick. Maybe I need to bring him to sickbay."

She tried to carry him along, and got him as far as the doorway, before collapsing. "You is heavy, Sirgei." Lyra said, with a sigh.

Sirgei, for his part, wasn't really paying any attention.


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