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Changing of Staff

Posted on Wed Feb 29th, 2012 @ 10:10pm by Lieutenant Izzabelle Black M.D. & Captain Cressidia Lane

1,039 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Sickbay

Izzy wasn't use to having a receptionist in the main area to greet people as they arrived. She was keeping busy with reports and keeping up with who is due for check-ups. She had spent the large part of the morning sending out notices to those who were due.

Cressidia sighed as she picked up the PADD from her desk, not having noticed it earlier. 'Report for medical examination immediately.' She set the PADD back on the desk and started toward the medical bay.

Izzy poked her head out of her office door. "Helen will you please let me know when the new XO arrives. I sent her a reminder that she needed to come by for a check up."

After getting a confirmation Izzy stepped over to the coffee pot behind her desk and poured herself a cup and added creamer before sitting back down to work through more medical check-ups.

Cressidia entered the medical bay, looking for someone who she could check in with. She sees Helen, and asks, "Is there a doctor here now? I've been told to come in for my medical examination."

"Doctor Black is expecting you." The receptionist answered, "Go into exam room one and I will let her know you are here." She said then moved to get Izzy.

Cressidia sat in exam room one, a bit bored. The walls were rather bland, no art, and really, no color.

Izzy entered the room a few minutes later. "Commander Lane I'm guessing?" She said as she held out her hand to greet the XO.

"Yes, you must be Doctor Black?" Cressidia said, standing and shaking the doctor's hand.

"I am," Izzy said with a smile, "Welcome to Typhon. Let's get your exam out of the way so I don't take up too much of your time."

"Don't worry about it, I have been swamped by people wanting to meet me. At least I can see some of the station this way." Cressidia smiled and waited to see what the doctor would want to do first.

"Lay back on the bed and we will get a base scan. Then I want to use some more 'traditional' methods that Doctor Basil likes to use. Believe ir or not sometimes older methods catch things that technology misses." Izzy said pointing to the stethoscope around her neck.

"Alright." Cressidia said, laying back on the bed as she was told. She had a respect for doctors, one that other people would usually have to work by her side for months before they could achieve it. Even though a doctor might have a lower rank than her own, it didn't matter, they were a doctor and as long as it didn't endanger others she would do as they said. Granted, it wasn't a friendly respect that doctors received, but a professional respect. "It is true that older methods can find things that some technology can't, but I can also say that the opposite is true as well." Cressidia put forth the statement as something that would, hopefully, start an interesting conversation.

"Oh I agree," Izzy stated, "However, it's a good idea to know how to use 'old fashioned' equipment too as most of them work without power. If we are on an away mission and get stranded somewhere with limited or no power I can still treat people." She said. "Is there anything going on with you recently I need to know about?" She asked.

"Not that I can think of. Other than being cramped in a tiny shuttlecraft for a few days, I'm perfectly fine. At least as far as I can tell. At least now I know who to be stranded without medical technology with." Cressidia said with a smile. This was probably the most relaxed conversation she had had since she
came on board. Lyra had been a bit hard to understand, and Aeshia had seemed nice enough, but they hadn't really had a good conversation.

"Well, Doctor Basil knows how to use them as well." Izzy said, "but thanks," She said returning the smile as the bed signaled it was done. "Okay your scans look good you can sit up." Izzy said offering her hand to assist.

Cressidia accepted Izzy's hand and sat up, happy that all her scans had come up as good. She didn't want to have to put off active duty because of some unseen sickness.

Once Cressidia was sitting again Izzy said, "Now then let me listen with my ears a bit and we will be done." She said putting her stethoscope in her ears she listened to Cressidia's heartbeats and breathing and nodded. "Everything looks good." She said marking off that the physical had been done on Cressidia's records. "Are you settling in okay?" She asked getting back to some of the casual conversation. Truth was Izzy hadn't been here long herself and was still getting to know most of the crew herself.

"Things seem well enough here. I suppose I'll find out more at the meeting tomorrow, I did only arrive this morning." Cressidia swung her legs off the bed and stood up. "Where would you recommend for something to eat? I need to find somewhere to go, so it may as well have food."

"I'm new here myself." Izzy said, "I haven't had much chance to check out any of the restaurants yet. I was just getting ready for a break, do you want to explore the options together?" Izzy asked.

"Sure, what sort of food do you like best?" Cressidia responded. Company couldn't possibly be a bad thing, unless they liked bad food.

"I like Italian and Mexican best though I'll try just about anything." Izzy said.

"I'd be up for Italian, sounds good about now." Cressidia replied. She didn't really like Mexican food at all, but she did like Italian a bit. It was by no means her favorite, but she didn't hate it either. She stood, and started toward the exit to sickbay, hoping to head for the nearest restaurant guide.

Izzy let Helen know she was leaving but to call her if she was needed for anything. Izzy really didn't mind working extra shifts. She followed Cressidia hoping to find a good meal.


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