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To teh Rescue!

Posted on Tue May 1st, 2012 @ 6:08am by

2,183 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Space / USS Edison & Tesla

USS Tesla Bridge

"Uhm. Sirgei, I know you taught the computer to fly, but do you know how to make it talk?" Lyra asked.

Most of the bridge crew had tolerated Lyra's ineptitude, up to this point. Sirgei was grateful. "Maybe the special passenger knows?"

"I got it, ma'am." One of the Cadets said.

"Well, we should bring up the Commander man, anyways. Bridge to Commander Prylar guy, could you come to the bridge, please?" Lyra asked.

"I'm on my way," the reply was virtually instantaneous. Toran's quarters were piled high with PADDs of documentation regarding the anomalies at hand, and mercifully, he'd dodged most of Lyra's attempts to "help" so far. She was eager, but not particularly useful, in his mind.

He passed through the turbolift doors soon enough, looking toward the viewscreen and almost purposely avoiding the gaze of the woman who insisted on calling him "Prylar guy".

"What's the situation?" Prylar asked simply, moving to the closest unmanned console. Old habits, and all...

"We has arrived. They look not so bad as expected. We help them. I thought this was a fairly straight forward mission description." Lyra said, with a brief look, as though she was pondering how Prylar could not grasp it.

Prylar spared her a glance, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "I was inquiring as to their status. I'm aware of the ship's difficulties in a general sense, but I was seeking a more detailed damage assessment. Has one been collected?"

He answered his own question, returning his focus to the console. "The Chroniton Cascade certainly played merry pahna with their systems, but they've seemed to jury-rig around most of the issues. They really just need a core. And, of course, six weeks or so in dock."

"Well, they is in trouble, and we help them. Stop being so nit-picky." Lyra said, with a scowl.

Prylar spared a brief smile, mostly to himself. "Of course. I'll prepare and assessment of the damage, so we can provide what assistance we're able, given the lack of crew aboard."

USS Edison

"Uh, ma'am, we've got two hails coming in. One's from the Tesla... the other... is from Admiral Ongaku-Chi's office." T'Laina, the Vulcan at tactical, noted.

"Conference call it, then." T'Yuna said.

"This is Admiral Ongaku-Chi to any available vessel with a properly staffed crew, in sector. I'm aware there are very few, at the moment. We need some ships to volunteer for a search, and rescue mission." Ongaku-Chi's voice said, in what was obviously a recording. "Please report to me as soon as possible."

"Captain, if I may suggest, logic dictates that we have a fully trained crew, and the Tesla has a fully operational ship-" T'Laina attempted to start.

"We has no crews. We has Cadets, and Lyra, and Sirgei, and Commander Prylar Guy." A familiar, at least to T'Yuna, and Kathleen's ears, voice said, over the comms. T'Yuna's attention snapped up.

"Lyra?" Kathleen asked. "What are you doing in that chair?"

"I is Commandin'. What's it look like, Kathy lady?" Lyra asked. "Commodore T'Yuna lady, that message sounded bad. What are we going to do?"

"Pack your crew. You'll be towing the Edison home via shuttle craft. I'm commandeering the Tesla under Commodore-rank authority for an emergency situation." T'Yuna said, sharply. "Tell Commander Prylar that he'll be remaining aboard."

She tapped her comm-badge. "Attention all staff, prepare to de-board, repeat, prepare to de-board."

"De-board..." Sam echoed as he had never heard such a silly saying in his life. Though he was the creator of some but that was besides the point.

The computer systems specialist readied his kit and followed the other disembarking personnel to wherever they were going.

Kathleen frowned, as she collected what few personal items she had. Something was bugging her. About T'Yuna. She couldn't quite place it, but there were parts of her mind, that seemed off. Not available. Off kilter. She was too busy thinking, and accidentally bumped into, of all people, Knight. It had to be him. Knowing that he didn't like her, either, she didn't bother apologizing, and kept going on her way.

"Hey, Combat Barbie. Don't they teach you how to watch where your going in the Marines?" He yelled back at her and then raised a brow. Lex crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat. He followed her as she walked. "Oh, Com- I mean Kathleen? Where you going?" He asked her in a very child like voice, almost sing-song like.

"Transporter Room." Kathleen said, absent-mindedly. "You know, the whole de-boarding order thing?"

"Oh, right. I thought you were on your way out. Silly me to think you finally realized you were overstaying your welcome." Lex smirked and then sighed. "I'll be there in a minute. I have to get Shade and grab the essential stuff and then check in with my friends. You know. Friends. The things I have that you just can't seem to find." He winked and then started to walk away, a bit proud of himself.

Kathleen watched Knight leave. She blinked a few times, and then shook her head. A brief wave of concern hit her mind, and she set it aside. She refrained from speaking with others, on the way to the Transporter.

T'Laina was puzzled, watching the interaction between the bridge staff. She pondered why the Commodore was so hell-bent on answering this rescue mission.

She quirked an eyebrow at the Executive Officer, as she fell into step, carrying all of her belongings, such as they were. A simple IDIC medallion that she didn't wear on duty, a meditation mat, and two candle-stick holders, as well as a simple, civilian, Vulcan Robe.

"A query, if you do not mind, Commander Osthiemer. I've noted a penchant disapproval towards Commodore T'Yuna, and Lieutenant Lorrieta. My attempts at gathering information to this point, have not met with sufficient, or well informed answers. Perhaps you could shed some light." She asked, as they walked.

Ariel contemplated the question for a moment. "Simply? People don't like change. At least, not change of this variety. Our previous captain...flawed as she was, and we are all flawed, was our captain. We stood through the troubles we faced together. Ships as small as this tend to form tight-knit communities. It's a form of coping. Seeing someone else, someone not our own replacing a woman that we all cared for is...uncomfortable. And wholly unwanted."

Ari carried with her a small silver carrying case containing only those objects she would absolutely hate to lose. A few books, photographs, the data strip from her personal computer, and various other sentimental items. It was one of the few thinks she was completely obsessive about. The things in the case would be looked at, then promptly returned so that they could be easily grabbed on such an occasion. Everything else in her quarters could burn to cinders, for all she cared.

T'Laina raised an eyebrow. "That is, nearly verbatim, the response as issued by Lieutenant Knight. I have been pondering it, yet it does not seem to match the often times overwhelming dislike for either of them. They both seem competent, at what they do, after all." She said, pointedly.

"Then Lieutenant Knight is completely correct. No one questions their competence. At least, I certainly don't. I simply do not take kindly to someone taking over the position of my friend, particularly when I think she was wrong to have been removed from her post. She did the best she could given the situation...yet, no one seems to understand that." Ari locked eyes with the vulcan woman. "It's not a matter of logic, it's a matter of pure, irrational feeling. And feelings, as I well know, very rarely follow the dictates of reason."

"I suppose." T'Laina said, with an inclination of her head. "Still, I do not find this answer sufficient."


T'Yuna, and her small collection of personal effects, Photos, mostly, and a data recorder, headed for the transporter room. She seemed to be actively avoiding anyone who met question her, on her recent orders. She seemed... stressed. Tired. Exhausted. Like a flower, wilting in a hot, dessert heat. She nodded to the transporter operator, and took her spot, on the transporter pad.

"Energizing." The transporter operator said, nodding.

Prylar stood at the console on the other side; it wasn't as though too many other people aboard were rated as highly on the transporters as he was, and frankly, losing a commodore to the remnants of the cascade because of a poor transporter operator didn't sit well with him.

He still tall, at attention, when the commodore materialized. "Welcome aboard, Commodore. Commander Prylar, reporting for duty, as ordered."

"Commodore T'Yuna lady!" Lyra yelled, excitedly. "I wish yous good luck, and stuff."

"Thanks Lyra, and Commander Prylar." T'Yuna said, with a nod. "I'll introduce the senior staff, when they all get here. Do you think your students are prepared for the Edison's conditions?"

"I hope not." Lyra said. "Make a bad examine if they could cheat on it."

T'Yuna briefly pondered the statement, then nodded. "Fair point, miss Lyra. Where is Sirgei?"

"Sirgei is just finishing up uninstalling the compooter program thingy that he wrote to make the ship fly itself because we had no helm officer. Thankfully, we has people trained in flying shuttles, though. They just never got to the Starship flying courses." Lyra said.

T'Yuna nodded, and turned to Prylar. "Believe it or not, Commander Prylar, she is capable of handling a transporter system. Among several other things. Would you care to accompany me to the bridge?"

"I never questioned her competence, Commodore," he stepped away from his console and fell into step behind her. Once out of the transporter room and with doors separating them, he continued, quietly enough. "We have not gotten along during this cruise. And I didn't expect that to improve. My apologies if you two are... friends. I meant no offense by manning the console."

"None was taken. I was just correcting a common misconception." T'Yuna said, with a nod. "Lyra can be a little hard to handle, at times, but she can also be shockingly brilliant. You learn to take the insane, with the good."

He nodded and was silent until they reached a turbolift. "So then, are we to be responding to the distress call? I was expecting to be helping administer to the Edison, but can adapt easily enough. Will you be requiring me to serve in Engineering?"

"Likely, I'll be requiring you to lead the away teams to repair any missing vessels we come across. That's pretty much the SCE thing, lately." T'yuna said. "That, or building Shipyards."

He glanced at the commodore for a moment, mostly at her odd, distinctly non-Vulcan phrasing, then shook his head. "I've been head-down in consulting projects of late. A change of pace, even if it is simply a version of roadside service, suits me."

"That's the SCE. Roadside assistance, Garbage Removal, and make-shift repairs. You get used to it after a couple years." T'Yuna said, nodding, as they stepped on to the bridge. She raised an eyebrow.

A rather large, grey... thing... was at the tactical station. "Uh... greetings... you weren't on the outgoing manifest." T'Yuna said, with a nod. "I'm Commodore T'Yuna." She added, after a moments' hesitation.

Jardo snapped to attention and said, "Ma'am, no ma'am. I am Lieutenant Jardo Montora. I was assigned as a security and tactical officer."

"I... see." T'Yuna said with a nod. "Uh, this is Commander Pryl... nevermind, I suppose you two have met, given your time on this vessel already." Privately she pondered the chaos, mischief, and mayhem, that these poor socially inept folks had, with Lyra in the center seat. "I'll introduce you both, one everyone gets here. Provided Lex decides he's coming."

Prylar passed Jardo, patting him on the shoulder as he moved to the Engineering console. "Jardo and I have been sort of forced into familiarity. But so far, we haven't killed each other. It's a start. Were you wanting to lend a few of the Tesla's shuttlecraft to the towing effort, Commodore?"

"Likely a necessity." T'Yuna said, nodding. "The Edison's three shuttlecraft would be best coordinated with another three, for warp towing."

"We've got the standard complement of Type 8 and Type 9 shuttlecraft. I'll get the two nines and an eight prepared for Ms. Lyra's cadets to pilot."

"That should do." T'Yuna said, nodding. "Lieutenant Montora, kindly call Typhon, and ask them to send us our shuttles back, once the Edison hits drydock. I'll call the Admiral from the Ready Room."


The Crew of the USS Edison


Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Engineering Nightmare
Starbase Typhon
Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Lyra Systems Specialist
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar as Commodore T'Yuna
Captain Krang Darkmoon as Lieutenant Jardo Montora
Lieutenant Commander Leonardo Rayon as Ensign Samuel Harper
Ambassador Alvar Walder as Lieutenant Commander Pryn)


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