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I Tawt I Taw a Waptor

Posted on Wed May 9th, 2012 @ 7:31am by Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Edited on on Wed May 9th, 2012 @ 7:33am

551 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: [Typhon] Through a Window Darkly
Location: Typhon Promenade


Marisa wasn't one for shore leave, but she did want to take some time to walk through Typhon's promenade, just to see if there was anything of interest.

Shed lost most of her desire to explore when Kaybok was called home. She hated to admit it, but she missed him more than she expected.

As she peered through shops and thought of her last shore leave on the Klingon homeworld, she was surprised to hear screams and see people running to get off the promenade.

Curious, she moved to get a better view of ... a dinosaur. A real, live dinosaur, running down the promenade.

She saw a woman trying to organize the chaos and walked up to her. "What...?"

Billy Jo looked over at the Vulcan hybrid. "It's a raptor. I'm trying to get people to stop running around like stuck pigs." She stood on a table and bellowed in her loudest voice. "Y'all need to stop running. You'll only encourage it to chase you. Now, stop runnin' and get yer hides off the promenade in a safe, orderly fashion and let security corral the poor critter before someone gets hurt."

Marisa grabbed a small child and lifted him off the ground. "Walk," she said sternly. "And off the promenade, not down it." She put the child down and watched as he began to run, turned to look at her, and then walked quickly down a side street.

"So, how did a dinosaur get on the promenade to begin with?" she asked the other woman.

"I have no idea. All I know is I was finishing up my juice when I heard all the hollerin'," Billy Jo said. "I haven't heard that much hollerin' since I ran with the bulls in Pamplona."

Marisa just smiled. She wasn't sure what to say to this woman or even if she should say something. For several minutes they helped calm people. Then security arrived and took control. Marisa gratefully stepped back. "Does this happen often?" she asked, indicating the now-dispersing crowd.

"A dinosaur? Nope. Except for the Captain and a few Caitians, there are no critters running around here. And, to be honest, I haven't seen the Captain running."

Marisa nodded. "Captains generally don't. Now that things have calmed down, can you recommend any place I should visit while I'm here?"

"The tea shop is always nice. And there's an Italian restaurant. And a juice bar. IF you like that sort of thing. I do. I stop by at least once a week. They can juice most fruits and vegetables. It's a nice change from replicated food." Billy Jo smiled and pointed to Xanadu. "It's right over there. I'd join you, but I just had a glass and I'm late gettin' back to work."

"That's quite all right," Marisa assured her. "I appreciate the information."

Billy JO grinned and headed down the Promenade.

Marisa shook her head. It was a very interesting way to start her vacation. After considering her options she decided to try the juice bar at Xanadu.

Then, she'd see if she could learn more about why there was a dinosaur running loose on the station.


Lieutenant Commander Marisa Sandoval
Chief Counselor/Chief Science Officer
USS Alabama

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Director of Personnel
Project Athena
Starbase Typhon a


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