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Arrival of the Colonel

Posted on Wed Jan 13th, 2010 @ 3:49am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

319 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Docking Bay 4, Marine HQ
Timeline: Current

[Docking Bay 4]

Marine Captain Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg exits from the airlock of the transport SS Shonanan Maru, into a very busy docking ring. After taking five steps Wilhelm is greeted by a known but unwanted person. The person is question is Starfleet Rear Admiral Alexei Suvorov of Special Operations, Starfleet Intelligence.

"Hello Willi!" The admiral says with a smile, "Welcome to your new posting." Wilhelm responds with a frown, "Your the one who had me posted here? Great...." Wilhelm says sarcastically, "If your involved I think I might just go back to Earth..." Suvorov replies "Now just hold on Willi. This is your reward for your past service with me. Especially since you passed up promotion any number of times during the war and after."

"Promotion? To Battalion command?" Wilhelm asks. "Better." The admiral states, "Your being given command of the whole 21st Marine Regiment. Here are your new rank pips for full Colonel. However, expect the occasional "oddjob" from your old boss." Suvorov says with a smile. Wilhelm immediately responds "There's always a catch with you sir..."

[Marine HQ]

A short while later Wilhelm finds his way to the hectic mess of the Marine HQ. "Mein Gott..." Willi mumbles to himself as he steps into the barely restrained chaos of Headquarters. Walking over to a very busy Lieutenant who, by appearences, seems to be the Officer-of-the-Day. "Leutnant. A moment of your time?" Willi says. With a frantic look in his eyes the LT responds "Are you lost sir, or reporting in for your Company?" The LT says noticing the Captain pips and the USS Gladiator patch. "Actually Leutnant I'm looking for my new office I'm the new Regimental CO..."

After getting a couple of items squared away, including putting on the new rank pips, Wilhelm heads to the turbolift to go meet the Starbase CO....

Marine Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marine Regiment CO
USB Typhon


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