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[Columbia] Getting out -- sort of

Posted on Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 7:38am by Miral Annhwi
Edited on on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 4:22am

653 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Jourdan sat with the little girl they had rescued from the rocks. She was sleeping with her head rested on Jourdan's shoulder. They had identified her as a girl called Ruby, one of the children from the Columbia. She was tapping at her tricorder hoping to try and find a way out of the caves.

"I think I've got an idea" Jourdan said. She turned to the doctor. "Doc, if we get Ruby here back to the ship sooner rather than later, do you think you'll be able to save her leg?" she asked.

One of the medics on duty turned to Jourdan. "If we get her back to the ship in time, probably."

"Good" Jourdan said. "I've been trying to access the shuttles remote systems through this tricorder" she explained. "I'm not far away but I think I can use the shuttles escape transporters to lock onto this tricorder, if I widen the beam I can transporter several people to the shuttle in one go. From there we can fly back up to the ship and get her

Miral looked on from her position by the cave entrance. "Not unless there's a lull in the storm. If there is, you may only have a few minutes to get out before the storm surges again."

"Well I'm sure I can get the shuttle through it" Jourdan said. "If I can protect the engines from the sandstorm I might be able to lift off" she explained. "However I'd need a large boost to clear it, it would be risky"

"Indeed. Perhaps too risky," Miral said. "You are welcome to monitor the storm for an opportunity. Sandstorms are nothing if not unpredictable. But if you do manage to get to the shuttle and think you can get off the planet, take them with you." Miral waved to the nanite-infected people sleeping on the ground. "That will free the rest of us to help the other team."

"I'm willing to take that risk" Jourdan answered back. She tapped a few buttons on the tricorder and stood up. "I can do this now"

Miral thought she was being foolhardy, but was willing to let the engineer try. In all honesty, if anyone could do it, Jourdan could. "If you think you can make it, then I wish you luck."

"Something I'm good with" Jourdan said as she pressed the buttons on the transporter. Instantly they were engulfed in a beam of blue lights and dots and were gone.

The winds died down and the sand settled. The storm hadn't passed, it was more like it took a breath before continuing to assault the planet. But it was enough of a break to get to one of the shuttles. The question was, would it hold out long enough for the shuttle to leave the planet?

While Jourdan was on the shuttle, beaming over the unconscious crew from the Columbia, a message came from the Calypso. "Calypso to away team."

"Lieutenant Abbott here" Jourdan replied.

"What's your status?"

"We've managed to escape the caves, however we've found a young girl in serious need of medical attention. We're taking off as soon as the storm dies down, where is the Calypso?"

"We're currently cloaked on the far side of the planet. If you can avoid the Borg Rhombus, we'll send you directions."

"I'll do my best, I can try and modify my warp signature to hide my trail. I'll need a medical team standing by as soon as we're docked" Jourdan said.

"The doctor will be waiting for you. Sending coordinates now."

"Understood, I'm taking off now" Jourdan said as she took the controls and powered up the engines. Hopefully she wouldn't be spotted by the Borg, she didn't want to end up as a drone today.

"Understood. Good luck. Caly out."


Miral Tal'Aura Annhiw
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Jourdan Abbott
Chief Engineer
USS Calypso


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