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[Columbia] Finding the Pieces

Posted on Fri Nov 30th, 2012 @ 1:12pm by Miral Annhwi

717 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!


Sam sat at her computer in her ready room and looked over the data on the Borg incursion and the xenomorphs for the dozenth time. The only way they would defeat the Borg and recover their crew was to out think and out play them. That was, however, easier said than done.

It had been two hours since their last encounter with Vance and the Borg rhombus. But Sam knew that Vance wouldn't give up. She'd chase them for a while, then realize they'd altered course and come back. It was imperative that the Calypso be ready to face them when they did. The bluff would not work a second time.

Sam ran a hand through her hair and again looked over the Data Damon brought back from the Columbia.

A personal log from the Chief Medical Officer who'd hidden herself in her office and watched the xenomorphs turn most of her department into Borg Infiltrators, managed to scan a full Borg -- with amazing results. The Borg was suffering from advanced silicosis due primarily from the silicates and other minerals in the sand. Her computers had been wiped of all data, but she'd sent the information to the Captain as well, and that is how Damon found it, along with information suggesting that the Columbia had been sabotaged.

Damon was still locked in the Intel crypt searching for information on who might have sabotaged the ship. With Wolfe on the planet, Damon used his own contacts to see what he could find.

Sam got up and paced around the room, thinking. The Borg had obviously been here for some time. There was too much order, too much planning, for this to be a spontaneous event. The problem was, finding out how they got here and how to defeat them.

If only she could reach the away team...

Her comm buzzed. "Sorry to bother you, Commodore, but we've contacted someone from the away team. A Miral Annhwi. Romulan Ambassador to Typhon."

"Put her through," Sam ordered. Romulan or no, she was on the planet and might be in a position to give Sam the information she needed. "Hello, Ambassador, this is Commodore Samantha York of the USS Calypso. Are you currently with any of my crew?" Sam didn't know how long this break in the storm would last and didn't want to waste time.

"I was," Miral replied. "We encountered a large number of xenomorphs and three score personnel infected by Borg nanites. They have been transported to one of your shuttles under the command of Lieutenant Abbott. She endeavors to fly the shuttle back to your ship."

"I'll keep an eye out for her. What of the rest of my people?"

"They are exploring the lower tunnels. I have heard nothing in the past two hours so do not know of their current situation. I will, however, be leaving shortly to go in search of them. Your call was most fortuitous."

"Indeed. Could you deliver a message for me?" Sam didn't wait for a reply. "Tell them a Borg Rhombus left the planet and engaged us. Commander Vance is at the helm. I believe the Borg have been on the planet for some time. Find their facility and destroy it." That would keep any more Borg from leaving the planet and engaging the Starship. When the other ships arrived, they could help take care of any residual Borg.

"You do not ask much, do you?" Miral said, her tone wryly amused. "However, I agree this is the most prudent action. I will deliver your message."

There was a burst of static. "Thank you," Sam said. "I appreciate your help."

More static. The storm was building again. "It is in both our interests to ensure they do not gain control of this sector."

"Agreed. Good luck, Ambassador. York out."

Sam wasn't sure if her last message got through or not, but she had faith that the Ambassador would do as asked.

Another part of her plan was now in the works. "York to security. Meet me in my ready room in ten minutes."

Now, to prepare for the frontal assault and pray all the pieces fell together.


Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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