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[Columbia] Reflections (part 1)

Posted on Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 @ 3:11pm by Miral Annhwi

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: USS Calypso


The Borg were gone, at least from Tiberius IV. Two Starships were en-route to the planet to make sure all Borg had been destroyed. They were bringing special equipment to search the caves and weed out any remaining Borg.

For the Calypso, it was time to drop off the survivors from the Columbia, pay tribute to their dead and move on to the next assignment.

Sam sat in her ready room, reviewing the reports from her crew. Seventeen died, most of them Marines and all on the Borg Rhombus. Considering how many of her crew had been on the ship and how determined Vance was to assimilate or destroy them, she considered herself lucky. Sadly, among them was her Marine CO, Major Leroy Mangalia. He'd been on the Calypso almost as long as she had and his loss would be great.

She couldn't say the same for the crew of the Columbia. Ninety percent of them were dead, most died by the Borg or as Borg themselves.

The chime on her door rang and she set down the PADD. "Come in."

Miral Annhwi entered the room. "Do you have a moment, Commodore?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, have a seat. What can I do for you, Ambassador?"

"I wish to thank you for your help. Or, rather, that of your crew. For the most part, they were most helpful. Especially in the destruction of the Borg facility on Tiberius IV," she said.

"Thank you. They're good men and women." Sam would definitely pass on the word. The Marines would appreciate it, although they would insist they were only doing their job.

"I will be departing with the others at Tiberius V," she continued. She bowed politely to the Captain. "I do not wish to take up more of your time."

Sam gave a slight bow in return. "I am sorry we were unable to do more. Good luck on Tiberius V."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Miral turned and walked back out of the room.


Cpl Manning was sitting in his room unpacking his possessions. He had not gotten the chance to when he was transferred to the ship because of the recent mission. Chaos had ensued the minute he got aboard the ship, so it was nice to be able to finally unpack. As he did such he come across his transfer papers and other documents that were supposed to be handed to the Captain or in this case Commodore
after finishing putting his stuff away he made his way to the captain's room to hand over his documents.

As he came to the door waiting for the Commodore to tell him to come in, he was hoping that she was not a stick in the mud, like most other officers, that had any sort of power.

"Come in," she said, standing to see who wished to speak to her this time.

As the Cpl walked in to the room stopping half way in stood at attention then saluted. “I'm Cpl Robert Allen Manning III, sorry to interrupt you, it seems I had not gotten the chance to hand over my transfer document’s when I got on board, due to the chaos that ensued during this mission," he said in a carefree tone. As he held out the pad with the transfer documents on them.

Sam saluted in return. "Yes, things have been a little hectic around here. I'm afraid with the death of Major Mangalia, it won't settle down any time soon."

“Well that life for you always throwing you for a loop. It don't bother me I'm used to it sir. Well if you don’t mind ill be getting out of your way. Unless I missed something and you needed me for something”. He said in a carefree manner half looking around the room inspecting it

"Not at the moment. Thank you for reporting in. Get settled and relax. I'll have a new Marine CO shortly. He'll want to talk to all of you soon enough." She appreciated the young Marine taking the time to report to her, especially after being on the Borg ship.

"Then i will take my leave" he said. heading out the door with a motion that some would call snake like.


Malcolm arose from his slumber in his quarters. The last few days had been rough on everyone and for a counselor, that meant that was only the beginning of his job, he now had to deal with all the traumatic issues suffered along the way. Before he decided to go up to the bridge though, he figured he deserved a little treat himself especially after not crying on the bridge in front of everyone. He would have a nice plate of waffles.


Coming back to the Calypso was a mixed blessing for Ronnie. She was happy to be safe and sound on board, but now she had time to think about Damion and his meltdown on Tiberius IV. She had yet to visit him in the brig. She still couldn't wrap her brain around why he acted like he did. Not even in the mines did he behave so badly.

To try and distract herself, she spent time cleaning and organizing the science department.


Helga Lowe loved her job taking care of people, but she disliked being a patient herself. She'd adjusted quickly to not being Borg, but the doctors wanted to keep her under observation to make sure she was really okay. The only thing that concerned her was the odd metallic star on her face. The doctors assured her it would be removed later. As she'd been assimilated for such a short time, her implants were not as complex as other Borg -- nor had she become completely Borg. She was mainly used to help care for the new "arrivals" and their silicosis.

Now, however, she had to wait for counseling to clear her, then the final surgery, before she could go back to work -- or even to her quarters.

Malcolm walked into his office a few moments later raktajino in hand."I apologize for my tardiness Chief, waffles just don't eat themselves ya know. " he then sat down and set his cup of raktajino down on the table in front of him while grabbing the PADD lying in front of him."So, Helga, do you mind if I call you Helga? Explain to me how you've been coping since your Borg experience."

(To be continued...)

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Corporal Robert Manning III
Marine Sniper
USS Calypso

Lieutenant Malcolm Hoffman
Chief Counselor
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Ronnie Lancaster
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Senior Chief Petty Officer Helga Lowe
USS Calypso


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