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[Columbia] Pressing Issues -- anc Charges

Posted on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 11:50am by Commander Raven Adams & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Edited on on Tue Jan 8th, 2013 @ 11:51am

644 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Enemy Within: Typhon is Missing!
Location: USS Calypso Ready Room


Wilhelm had to get out of the Marine Quarters of this ship. He could only take them showing off to a full Colonel so much. If he had to do one more inspection he might be sick. Finally finishing up his report of his time on the Columbia and Tiberius IV he made his way to the Captain's Ready Room and hit the chime.

Sam saved the document she was working on and turned the screen to the Federation logo before standing and facing the door. "Come in."

Wilhelm entered and saluted. "Commodore." He said with a nod of his head. "I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg of the 21st Marine Regiment at Starbase Typhon. Your crew rescued me and the other survivors from the Columbia. First off I'd like to say thank you for the rescue it's greatly appreciated."

"You're welcome. I'm just sorry we couldn't get all of you," she said, returning the salute. "What can I do for you, Colonel?"

"Well I have my report of the ordeal for you and for transmission to Starfleet Command. Included in that is a commendation for Warrant Officer Bourne. The Silver Star for his selfless action. There is one other bit." Wilhelm said taking out two isolinear chips and putting them on the Commodore's desk. "One is for you, the other is for this ship's JAG officer, or failing that this sector's Judge Advocate General. On the chips is a recording from my helmet cam along several other marines and security personnel's footage of a minor altercation with one of your crew." Wilhelm said taking a breath then continueing. "I am pressing charges against Lieutenant Wolfe for insubordination in an emergency along with disobeying orders from a superior officer. Also, I'm also requesting a psychological and physical exam for mental instability and possible addiction. This also includes he be relieved of his position pending a hearing and medical examination and that he be placed in the Brig." Wilhelm said keeping his business tone not showing any anger.

Sam took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Thank you for your report. I agree that Warrant Officer Bourne performed above and beyond the call of duty. I will second your recommendation." She paused for a moment. "As for Lieutenant Wolfe, he will be turned over to security until such time as the evidence can be reviewed and the proper proceeding held." She wasn't pleased that one of her crew would behave badly. Especially on a critical away mission.. She would definitely have a talk with him after she'd reviewed the evidence. No doubt it would lead to more trouble for the Lieutenant.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but discipline must be maintained to keep unit cohesion. Ohh, one other matter. On your way out of the system can you drop the Columbia surviviors off on Tiberius V we have an assignment there that needs to be completed." Wilhelm said.

"Don't be sorry, Colonel. I will review the logs and take the appropriate action," Sam assured him. "As for dropping you off, that's not a problem. The Jefferson should be there now. They can use all the help they can get." If they weren't too busy, Sam would like to stop off long enough to say hello to the CO nad XO of the Jefferson.

"Thank you sir. Again thank you for the pickup. If your ever in this Sector again and need some good Marines don't hesitate to give the 21st a call." Wilhelm said holding out his hand.

Sam took his hand. "I will. I'll also put in a good work to Captain Kelly. I don't think we could have succeeded sa well as we did without you and your men."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marine Regiment
Starbase Typhon

Commodore Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso


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