Searching for The Drone

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Agent TY / SEVEN is traveling to a new Planet, This Planet has been recently located by Starbase Typhon and has yet to be named. However, Fleet intel has traced several suspected Romulan Deep space probes to the surface. The mission sends TY to attempt to locate them.

Start Date Sat Jan 2nd, 2010 @ 5:49am

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Title Timeline Location
Agent Recovery
by Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Grid 1641834.67
Admirals Update
by Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Fleet Intel Com center, Deck 23
Finding the Drone
by Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Grid 124865.5, Elevation 1247
Dark Cool night
by Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Sector 31145.7 / Coastal plains
Departure From Typhon / Breifing
by Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Shuttle Morningstar

Mission Summary