The Jackson Survey

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The USS Valhalla, A Nova Class Surveyor Has been ordered to conduct a research mission to system J-572. Command of this Mission will rest on the capable shoulders of Commander Jackson, The Chief science Officer aboard Starbase Typhon.

Start Date Thu Dec 24th, 2009 @ 5:10am

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Title Timeline Location
Day Two: "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"
by Commander Lucas Jackson
Thirteen Hours Post-"Star of Wonder, Star of Might..." Bridge, USS Valhalla
Tiberius Recon, Inland trip
by Commander Jack Tolren
current Tiberius
slip them in
current fighter bay
Day Two: "Star of Wonder, Star of Might..."
by Commander Lucas Jackson
Thirteen Hours Post-"Silver-Lining" Bridge, USS Valhalla
Day One: Silver-Lining
by Commander Lucas Jackson
Current Bridge, USS Valhalla
by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin
Current Corridor, USS Valhalla

Mission Summary