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ACSec Medical Reveiw

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 1:41am by Lieutenant Cole Russo & Commander Basil Hart

612 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Cole Russo walked in to sickbay with a padd in hand containing his full medical records looking for the chief medical officer to clear him for duty. From behind a curtain in the exam room came a voice with a clear British accent. "I'll be with you in half a moment, as soon as I've finished with this one. Do have a seat and enjoy the reading material." The exam room door closed with a familiar pneumatic whoosh, assuring the privacy of the doctor's current patient.

Cole took a seat and picked up the padd containing Phaser Rifle Quarterly, and Begin to peruse the periodical as he waited.

The exam room door opened, allowing the doctor and Lieutenant Commander Vrel to exit.

"Ah. My next patient, I see. Please come in." Basil smiled, motioning to the exam room with his hand.

Cole followed him and hoped up on the Bio bed. "good day, doc."

Basil took the offered PADD, and transferred the data into his patient records. Then he pulled out a strange looking device. It was made of metal and plastic, with two protrusions on the top which the doctor inserted into his ears, and a dangling one with a metallic disk or wheel on the end of its flexible tubing. He then turned to his patient. "Have you ever seen one of these outside a museum?" He grinned proudly as he placed the disk near the top of his anterior chest wall. It was cold. "Breathe normally."

"Jees, thats cold. Is your tricorder broken?" Cole asked

Basil chuckled. "I still use the biobed, but I like to keep up with old school methods as well. I'm listening to your lung and heart function. They seem normal, by the way. I find that a little hands-on always keeps both me and the patient sharp and sympatico. Any physical complaints or ailments I should know about?"

"The knee has been a little stiff lately," Cole said. "It comes and goes since I crashed my fighter in the war."

"The old bum knee, eh?" Basil said. "Usually a knee injury like that can cause arthritis to set in early." He verified with the scans from the bio bed. It was a mild case of traumatic arthritis. He continued. "Well, there are some steps we can take to loosen things up." He grabbed a hypospray and affixed a small vial of blue liquid to the end. Then he looked at Cole. "This is a tri-hydro-cortisone solution. I can inject this into your knee, and it will alleviate your symptoms for about six weeks. The downside is that there is a risk of allergic reaction inside the knee where the arthritis is. if you get the allergic reaction, your knee might require surgery to repair. One in five people are allergic. What do you want to do?"

"Go for it" Cole said, "I prefer to chase down criminals without pain."

Basil Took the hypospray and adjusted it, then pressed it to Cole's knee. It emitted the familiar hiss, and the vial emptied its contents transdermally, where the fluid worked its way into the damaged bone and cartilage. "Well, that should do it. Give it about six hours and see if the pain is gone. If it gets worse, or redness or swelling develops, see me immediately, understood?"

"Sure thing doc" Cole said standing.

"I'll see you after you get back, Cole. Be careful with that knee. And set up a follow-up appointment with Helen on your way out."

"Will do" Cole said as he left.


LT Cole Russo
ACSec / [SRT Leader]
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon


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