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One Shuttle Down

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2010 @ 4:11am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

382 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Ready Room

Anna looked at the report coming in from the planet about the engineer and his shuttle crashing. She shook her head wondering how a system wide failure could have happened on such a short trip. Now she had to let the captain know what was going on.

Letting out a sigh she headed over to his office door and rang the chime.

"Please enter, Fannin was talking to several ensigns about a research project they were requesting re-assignment to."

Anna walked in shaking her head. "Our Chief Engineer asked for use of a shuttle and decided it would be a good idea to take a shuttle out that had been taken out of commission from one of the ships we just serviced. I had planed on having it used for spare parts after we let the cadets tinker with it a bit. Instead it is now a paper weight on the landing strip of Tiberius V." Anna said.

The captain sat back in his chair, "Are you telling me Commander that we have had one of our shuttles crash?"

"That is exactly what I am telling you. Mind you it was being decommissioned anyway but it never should have passed pre-flight inspection for any pilot that even thought about running one. As I said I was going to let the cadets use it for some hands on activities before I had it disassembled for spare parts. Luckily when the systems failed he managed to get thrusters back on just before impact or he wouldn't have survived. He's lucky he walked out without a scratch." Anna said handing him the PADD she had with the details she had gotten from the planet. "He hasn't asked yet but unless he has someone there bring him back we will need to send a shuttle to pick him up."

Fannin stood, "Very well. Send a Danube and pick him up. Please inform Commander Couter I would like to talk to him. Also contact the Wing safety officer, I will be requiring her input for this meeting."

"I'll get flight control on it right away sir." Anna said, "I hope this isn't a sign of things to come." She added.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations
USB Typhon


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