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Where oh where is Lady Ebele (4) *Backpost*

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 3:43pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,397 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: 3 Days Past


"I am sure the Lounge is a buzz with my taking a man into the Owner's Office." Ebele ran the outside of her fingers along the spots that were changing. "They are warm..." She put a hand on his shoulder, she did not want to admit she was scared about how Andrew had touched her more than just on her lobes.


His eyes closed for a moment, her touch tingled on the spots. They could be quite sensitive at the best of times and now was one of them. "Be warned, they can be as sensitive as those lobes of yours. They get warm when I'm really happy or embarrassed. Not the easiest thing to hide, I can assure you. Right now I care more about what you think than what the lounge could be a buzz with." He leant into her touch, as much as it tingled he quite liked it. "Don't let fear or other people's opinions get in the way. I get judged all the time, both because of what I do and because part of me will always be remembered. So many people want me remembered for the right reasons, whatever they may be."

"The Boss' office is not the best place to put forth romantic impressions." Ebele had to move back a bit. "Never mix business and pleasure." She said a bit breathless. "On the Morrow will do very well." she took his hands in hers. "I-I feel this is a place of business and touching in places of intimacy would not allow for this place to have that feel on those times I am here. If I express any more of these... feelings that are very... surprising." She looked into his eyes. "Please understand I have to be true to business as that is what my Honorable Father taught me, I-I can feel pleasure and intimacy but NOT in the Business, 'Business is Business'" She moved closer. "You are not Business and it is not fair if ever you do have to do business in this office you will not have those ... 'distracted thoughts' in your dealings."

"It would be the same if it were my own diplomatic offices. I can already be a bit distracted on a good day. Surprises are pleasant things but in their very nature they tend to sneak up on us. I will eventually look forward to doing business here, I'm sure." He was gentle but respectful. He'd barely be able to concentrate if she walked into his office. Why should it be any different for her, in the 'home of the boss'.

"You did admit to coming in here to check out the business and I was just a surprise." She smiled. "Mind you a seemingly pleasant one, but for this to work I need to really not SEE you in an office and discuss anything but business..." She flushed a little in her cheeks. "Call it the Ferengi Side and more emphasis from my Honorable Father who taught me to separate them. Being in the Boss' Office I tend to think Business... you do understand don't you?"
It was a terrible thing sometimes to have THAT side of her nature come up, she tended to live somewhere more on her 'human' side of the heritage but this building was something that is special to her and having someone profess affections did give it an un-business like feel. What she felt right now was okay and would not affect her much but if the feelings with the spots and her lobes advance this will not be the case.

"Of course I do, that is why things on the morrow will be something to look forward to. I almost can't wait to have the warmth in my spots again." His right hand went to the spots at his neck. "I had best be leaving then; nobody has made my spots feel so warm and tingle at the same time. A curious sensation, I'll look forward to exploring it away from the workplace....of course." He offered his arm to escort her out. "So, back to work for you, is it? I was about to have a late lunch..."
"I-I could spare a few moments from the Bar as Stacy can handle it; there is a small table in the restaurant that no one occupies unless it is a sold out  and packed house." Ebele said as she accepted the arm; "the table is used by the hostess and the Boss mostly, the service is good and I am sure since the Boss will not be using it for exclusive lunch we can, have some food and I will just slip back to the Lounge Area and let Stacy get a break."
"That sounds quite nice. The company would be good, I wouldn't want to hold you up from your work for too long. Don't want you in trouble with the boss."
She escorted him; in a manner of fashion, through the Kitchen route to the restaurant area and to a small table for two in a corner. Ebele took her arm away to stand beside the chair as a hostess should in proper manners. She waited for him to take the offered seat before she herself sat.
"This should do nicely." Ebele said with a smile. "The service is great here and we do cater to our customers." The Bajoran young woman came to the table with a glass of what looked like Earth White wine and placed it before Ebele. "Thank you Sesa." She winked. "Could you bring a plate of the Sweet potato wedges and the candy sauce " She instructed."I think you will like the sweet potato wedge and a thinned caramel style sauce that accents the vegetable as an appetizer? I have noticed you like sweet things?"
He had always been taught that the gentleman seats the lady, but seeing as she was in the hostess role it kind of turned that custom on it's head. He took the offered seat and settled in. "I have a bit of a sweet tooth, Fagan kind of accentuates that. Of course, there are plenty of foods out there that are not so sweet that are just wonderful to eat. As far as lunch goes, I will most certainly trust your judgement. After all. you work here. I would think you would know a thing or two about not just the food." he replied with a polite smile. "I can cook well, not always the best when I go to a place like this."
The Snapper and Chips." Ebele told the waitress. "This is a really good dish for lunch like an Earth Red snapper breaded outside and some cut potatoes that are fried or baked to perfection." She smiled. "I will not be able to stay that long as I am a working type Girl, it is the Ferengi Side that allows me to enjoy it more than most.".
"My work has it's perks, but not the way I wish it would. Some of the perks are better with company, that I never seem to have."
The appetizer came out and Ebele took one and dipped it in the sauce before offering it to Fagan. She gave him a slight grin as he took the bite. "And not even biting of the hand that feeds you." She winked. "That is a good sign, hope you enjoyed my choices?" Sesa came up a bit surprised with another of the drink he had ordered in the bar.
"Now, that would be both rude and painful." he replied with a smile, enjoying the offering. "I'm sure the meal will be delightful, my Lady."
Sesa whispered in Ebele's Ear. "Okay I understand." Ebele placed her wine down on the table. "You would guess the place cannot run without me." She smiled as she put her hand upon his for a few seconds. "I will have to see you later." She moved rather quickly after that without looking back she walked quickly through the Kitchen route.
The whisper in the ear meant only one thing, Business was back on the cards. "Of course. See you later, my Lady Ebele." he replied watching her leave before going back to the appetizer, rather slowly. Hoping to both savour things and maybe catch another glimpse of her.



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