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Where oh where is Lady Ebele (3) *Backpost*

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2015 @ 3:42pm by Lady Ebele [Mabrade]

1,759 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Trader Games
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: 3 Days Past


"Of course." He followed along in step; arms tucked behind him as some trill had a habit of doing. The small smile on his face was a fond one. The way she called him 'Lord Andrew', almost did make him feel more important than what his position allowed for. A lot of girls had turned him down 'I thought you were an Ambassador?' At least Ebele wasn't like that.


The office was modest with exception it was the size of a small bedroom, the desk was not huge but large. She moved towards it and the small 'Love seat style couch but stopped. "First tip..." She offered her hand. "Business concluded before any talk of pleasure."
"Sound advice." He crooned; taking her hand to kiss the back of it. Andrew then turned the hand palm up, placing his own over the top. He dropped a couple of pieces of Latinum into her palm and gently closed her fingers over the top. Andrew gently placed a kiss on her cheek and let his hands fall away. "A decent tip for services rendered, with my own personal touch." He said with a smile.
"Now then Lord Andrew.. " She moved closer nearly into his 'personal Space' but not fully. "You have something you wish to tell me or suggest?"
"Well, now that I have found a flower such as yourself, I wouldn't want to let good opportunities slip away. Like having lunch with a beautiful lady. Or maybe dinner. That much I believe you should have input into. It has been hard to have been kept so busy. I wanted to find you the day after we met, but my own duties have kept me locked away; not unlike Rapunzel in the Old fairy tales. Now that my schedule has been freed up a bit, I thought I would take the chance to find you and get to know you better. I do have some business in here, but that can wait for another day. All I have now is an overwhelming desire for a long night by a fireplace exchanging stories and....snacks?"

There was a slight shudder as he mentioned her favourite Fairytale character, the woman with the long hair. For a Ferengi to have hair is a miracle of her breeding, and how could such a man have picked up on that? Maybe he had been studying her, making it seem like a 'random' meeting but to more model a story as they both loved to read about?

"Are fire places allowed on the station?" She stepped slightly into the touch. "I would hate to set off the Fire suppression system?" She gave that little look of mischief that had snuck out under the brim of a hat. "And a long night for a working Girl sounds... interesting. Working here I tend to be up ... late."

"I may not have a fireplace but I do have some comfortable seats, a good view, quarters that are kept rather warm compared to most as well as some rather comfortable cushions, wraps and a lot of spare time. I can always rearrange a few meetings, I do have some favours owed to me and one of the best reasons to use them."  He replied, gently running the back of his hand down the side of her face.
"Going to 'your place' a standard Trill First official date?" She stayed close to his touch. "That has certain implications; the whole 'your place or mine?" She mused. "In human standards  that is a rather forward offer and if I were not dealing with a gentleman I might have to wonder about my Virtue were I to accept?" She mentioned. "Of course since I am dealing with a Gentleman the rule could change." She liked his touch as it was smooth and warm and if he touched her lobes she might not be able to play this little flirting thing.
"Not the most standard of first 'official' dates but a good one nonetheless. I know a few Trills that might consider it forward as well, but it is always better to follow instinct, feelings and one's own heart. Not a better guidepost out there." The gentle hand on her face ran down the back of Ebele's neck; soft, almost feather light. As he came back up her neck, Andrew let his touch linger for a moment rather close to one of her lobes.
"While the offer is tempting I do have to find out one thing that Humans seek and there is one way to know a man's intentions?" She stepped forward and kissed him again, this time with a little more of herself in it as she cupped his face for the exchange and just allowed it to linger as long as it would.
His right arm pulled her in close; enjoying what she had brought to it. In savouring the touch and the kiss he let himself slip a little; his left hand lightly caressing at her lobe, and adding a hint of fire and passion to things. He held her in the embrace, letting both arms hold her in close, looking deep into her eyes as he slowly pulled away from the exchange. "My intentions are honourable; after six lifetimes I have learnt there is fun in life, some things are meant to be respected and the precious things are to be savoured." He whispered, his spots showing a little more colour and feeling rather warm.
"It is said if you want to know how he feels it is in his Kiss?" Ebele said. "I remember it being sung to me somewhere?" looking into his face and the spots that were darker and feeling a little more; understatement, in her own cheeks. "How soon did you want to have this date?" She tilted her head. "Another three days and you might be enjoying it alone. Fool me once shame on you, twice and I was not being frugal..."

"No more than a day's time, beautiful lady. It will give us both time to make any preparations, rearrange shifts and such. We would not want any interruptions, now would we? Besides, I doubt I could wait much longer." Andrew gave her a gentle squeeze, more a reassurance as much as feeling how soft, warm and cosy she was. "Tomorrow night, it will give you something to look forward to after work, something to dream about in the meantime." he whispered in her ear, almost as though it was a carnal secret.

"Please remember that when we are totally alone do not mention business, it will be strictly pleasure." She put her arms around his neck and stood on her tip toes to kiss him more than softly but not carnal, just enough to give her consent for him to propose something in the future. "I am willing to listen to anything but a business proposition..." She ended.

Andrew held her close, supporting Ebele up on her toes. The one thing that can be fun about a height difference  the lengths a person will go to, to show affection."Why, my sweet lady; as soon as I walk in the door at home, my own business is left on the doorstep. My history has a habit of following me around, but that is part of what it means to be a joined Trill. The rest can get left in the office, where it belongs. Like right now for example; I can see you in that lovely sun hat of yours, your eyes shimmering underneath. That was NOTHING to do with work, for either of us. You looked very beautiful in the light that day, worthy of the attentions of a gentleman and nothing less." 

Andrew let a hand rub at the small of her back; he was soft, almost as if to let her know he was there and wanted to be. With the other hand to the side of her face, gently caressing her lobe; he returned the favour. He was a gentleman about it, but the intentions were there for those who looked. "So, We'll say meet me as soon as you finish work. If you get time you can change if not it doesn't matter I'm sure the company will matter more than the attire. I'm very casual, myself. You won't need to bring anything but yourself, a good gentleman provides for his guest."

"If I did not trust the gentleman I would not... enjoy the touching of certain places." Ebele said between breaths. "All men should have six lifetimes to get the appreciation of affections." She purred. "I will not inquire how you learned the soft touch and if you know a little OO-MOX?" She gave him a smile as she enjoyed the fact someone outside a Male Ferengi could understand the concept of a lobe gently touched.

"I have seen a lot of things, and from two very different perspectives of Life. Three lifetimes as a female and now four as a male; it teaches a lot of appreciation and you learn what the other likes, some of it from observations and some from what 'you' liked." Andrew started to run two fingers down the back of Ebele's ear and caressed the lobe, just enough before running them down her neck and back up again to play with the lobe once more, adding a very soft kiss to the spot. "My Second host, Meyla quite enjoyed that one." Andrew replied softly as he left a kiss behind her lobe while he gently caressed at it.

The 'Legend of Trill' was well founded... Ebele could sense the fire in her growing and she also knew more about Trill as she had checked  on the race through connections. The Trill have vast knowledge and when used is more for their 'personal' reasons, Ebele knew he was using his past hosts experiences to show her pleasure. It was almost a sweet thing; she had to get past the instant thought that another 'woman' told him how to touch her, but that was only a fraction of a millisecond and Ebele had to admit she liked the touch.

"I am sure the Lounge is a buzz with my taking a man into the Owner's Office." Ebele ran the outside of her fingers along the spots that were changing. "They are warm..." She put a hand on his shoulder, she did not want to admit she was scared about how Andrew had touched her more than just on her lobes.



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