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A Tour of the Arthurian (part 1)

Posted on Thu Nov 19th, 2015 @ 10:43am by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne
Edited on on Thu Nov 19th, 2015 @ 10:46am

1,046 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Various Locations on U.S.S. Arthurian
Timeline: MD01


Darius led Raven around the U.S.S. Arthurian and, as promised, he left no door locked. He brought her to their Science Labs, their Security Offices, their Stellar cartography lab, and various other important areas and offices. Soon their tour would lead them into the conference room.

The conference room wasn't designed in the standard fashion. Instead of a rectangular, or oval table, it was a round table. As if depicted in the stories of King Arthur and his Knights. As in the story, this was so each member of the senior staff could face one another without straining and on equal ground. This room was as much of a surprise to Darius as it was to Raven at first.

She looked around the room, at the table, the paintings on the wall, and smiled. "Very nice. And very fitting." The meaning behind a round table, of everyone being equal, fit not only the legend of King Arthur but Starfleet as well.

Darius laughed slightly as he leaned against the table and looked over to Raven. "Actually, of all of my ideas that went into this prototype, this one isn't mine. I think its the Max guy's idea. I had nothing to do with this, but I like it. It feels... right. You know what I mean?"

"I do. It fits the name of the ship and it fits you as its Commander," she said. "All it lacks is a sword in a stone." Although she wasn't quite sure where that would go.

"Oh no. That's in my office." Darius said quickly before smirking.

"Oh?" That piqued her interest. "So, where is your office?" she asked, wanting to see this sword.

"It's on the bridge." Darius replied softly.

She raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I look forward to it." Well, to seeing the sword and stone. She smiled.

Darius smirked slightly and placed his hands behind his back, clearing his throat a bit before walking over to her slowly. "So do I." He said softly as he stopped in front of her before gesturing to the door. "Right this way then."

Raven's eyes met his for a long moment, probably longer than she should have. She turned away and made her way to his office. She stopped just inside the room and slowly looked around, then turned back at Darius, an impish smile dancing in her eyes. "Very nice."

Against a window was his desk, cluttered with PADD's. On the walls on each side of the window was a variety of weapons. A katana, a long staff, a bow and quiver, a Klingon Bat'leth, and some small weapons. On the far wall, facing the door, was a large boulder with the legendary Excalibur sticking out of it. On the wall behind it was a plaque that read:

Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering silmite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king!
Dennis: Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!

There were no pictures. Nothing of his former family or friends. Nothing to remind him of his past, of course he didn't need photos to remember what haunted him every time he closed his eyes. He walked further into the office and gestured to the sword. "And there it is. Please forgive the mess. I'm still settling in."

The pile of PADDs didn't bother her. She was more interested in the weapons. She walked over to them so she could admire them up close. They were beautifully crafted. "Impressive," she said, turning to look at Darius. The room suited him, which she also found impressive. Her eyes turned to the sword in the stone. "So, do you wield that in battle, or defer to the masses?"

"That only comes on special occasions." Darius said softly as he approached her. "It's one of those in case of emergencies kind of things. With great power comes great responsibility and all that." He stopped next to her and looked over to the sword, smiling a bit as he did so. "I know it's not the real thing, but having it here, sends a message to all those who know the legend. It's a symbol. Symbol of what we stand for and who we are."

"A symbol of what we fight for," she added quietly. Then she gave Darius an impish grin. "So, if this sword is a symbol only, dare I ask about the one that comes out on special occasions?"

Darius chuckled slightly, looking down a bit for a moment to collect himself before looking back up to her with a smile. "I don't think our alcohol level is high enough for me to start showing you that weapon just yet."

Raven shook her head. "Pity you need to be drunk first." And pity she had a habit of being attracted to the wrong men. That comment put him firmly in the wrong man category. "So, Captain Cayne, what else does your ship have that makes it special?" she asked, trying to divert her thoughts to a different topic.

"I don't always need to drink when it comes for that. I just want to make sure you're of the right state of mind when you make that decision." Darius replied with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked over toward the sword. "If I need it I will acquire a hand written statement." He added a soft, but quick laugh before looking over to her with a wink. "Joking."

Right state of mind? He clearly didn't know her very well. She was not one to make decisions lightly. Quickly, impulsively, yes. Lightly, no.

He paused for a moment, letting out a sigh before looking back to the sword. "Well. For starters. We have Merlin."

(To be continued...)

Captain Darius Cayne
Commanding Officer
USS Arthurian

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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