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Posted on Sun Nov 22nd, 2015 @ 12:05am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Buck Ducati & Commander Raven Adams & Staff Warrant Officer Jake Gordon

1,864 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Security Office


"The preliminary readings showed that the Lt. Commander and the Marine Commanding Officer had mild versions of the symptoms that could be from the conditions of the ship." Gordon surmised. "There was no sign of damage like in the other cases, though the rate of cooling is the only factor different, and perhaps the speed of their medical care had a factor." Gordon displayed the records of the away team member affected. "This did not seem as aggressive an attack as the murders. Could have been a practice attempt but no one wsas on the ship to make the attack so it is not the same." Gordon surmised. "Also they survived and were cleared for duty with no lasting effects, the others are dead."


Aria studied the information carefully. "So basically someone, or something rapidly cooled people to death" she said. "I've seen weapons do that before. More precisely weapons that the Breen used against species such as the Tholians. They were highly experimental, not many were ever produced. Its probably why you never heard of them Colonel" she explained. "Rapid cooling kills Tholians, and by the looks of it Humans too. We could be looking for a Breen Cold Compression Pistol"

"I don't think so. The Breen haven't worked on that technology in a while. And this ship is over 100 years old," Raven/Edgar said. "I was on that ship and saw nothing. I think we need to look at who was on the ship at the time it left Terran space. Edgar found some interesting information about the ship and its occupants that will shed new light on this."

Edgar turned to a viewscreen where the data appeared. "The ship was full of prisoners sent to cause trouble in our universe. They died in the crossover between universes, but we aren't sure the exact cause. Whatever caused their demise and the decades of wandering since, we do not know, but their intention is quite clear. They should be considered hostile."

"The probe sent to check out the ship made a note of a gas like cloud or something that registered 25 degrees Celsius lower than the surrounding atmosphere moving under it's own effort. The probe reported the 'mass' followed her into the access panels and through them." Gordon noted. "There was intelligence behind the movements and the temperature she noted is in accordance with the drop of the internal organ damage."

"So, we're looking at ghosts of some sort who kill people," Raven said.

“Ghosts are not capable of killing from what I understand.” Gordon said calmly. “What we might have is a kind of entity that has similarities to what could be called a Ghost by the average observer. There are several types of known entities that have some sort of being that lived off some aspect of the prey.” He explained. “What we need to do is find one and confirm what it is?”

Edgar/Raven nodded. "Agreed. As I am off the station, it will be up to one of you, or my Assistant, to have a look into the entities."

"If my history is correct" Aria said. "The USS Enterprise encountered something very similar to what we have here" she explained. "In 2268 a Dikironium Cloud Creature got aboard the Enterprise and wrecked havoc amongst the crew. It was killed by an Antimatter explosion" She thought for a few seconds. "And, the cloud. It was never confirmed it if was the same one, killed half the crew of the USS Farragut Eleven Years prior to the incident on the Enterprise" she looked around at everyone in the room.

"Could we have one of those on board? Could it have come on that ship somehow?" she asked.

“How did it get here?” Gordon asked. “It was an attack on that Empire Vessel; making it obvious it came from there but how did it get past our decontamination fields?” He asked. “It should have been contained?”

"The Entity that got aboard the Enterprise got in through the ship's engines" Aria explained. She had studied the case in depth, mainly because she was interested in different security techniques. "However, Typhon doesn't have Engines. We do however have several shuttle bays, airlocks, docking ports, docked ships that have engine ports... you see where I'm going" she said. "There are a million ways it can get in without us knowing, just through machinery alone".

"I still maintain it was whatever the entities were on the alien transport. As they ARE alien and therefore unrecognizable by the computers, they could hitchhike on a transporter with the away team and not be noticed," Raven said. "I bring this up because three members of the away team -- the three that encountered the entities -- all complained of being cold both on the transport ship and when they were back on the shuttle."

"I'll check the medical scans, I know what to look for and can narrow the margins down pretty well. If they are the carriers I might be able to figure out why they are not dead and that will give us something to work with. It could be they have immunity or something?" Gordon suggested. "With only two cases it is hard to pin down what these entities want other than the physical damage pointing to a need they have." He looked up. "I would rather keep guessing than have more evidence that I have to ... " He left the last bit hanging in the air.

Buck decided to have some words with Aria once the meeting was over. "Is there any evidence of entry or escape from the two places of the murders?" He asked.

"From all the evidence, there was no forced entry. Nor did the computer record anyone entering or leaving either crime scene except for the victim," Raven said.

"No one was around when they happened either" Aria said. "Security sensors picked up nothing in the general area. Also everyone was alone"

"Could they be feeding on energy and thus causing the death of the crew members?" Raven asked. "There are numerous instances in the computers of such creatures."

"I just know I don't want that to happen ever again." Wilhelm said with an involuntary shiver.

"The cold is a new thing." Buck commented.

“The one thing to note is the entry method is an inhalant, thus the person’s airways are effected first and no way to all for help as they cannot speak.” Gordon put in.

"That would definitely stop them shouting for help. It would also likely to be done quickly" Aria commented.

She stood up from her chair and began to pace up and down, chin between thumb and forefinger. "So from the evidence we've determined that it is possibly a creature that uses gas to kill, or feed. Either that or someone with chemical weaponary" she pondered as she paced.

She turned to the group and placed her hands on her hips. "We need to secure this creature or person. I want all security and marine forces to have a dispersal setting on their phasers" she ordered. "We know that phasers can disperse certain gases. Its a precaution, but I want all phasers on Typhon reprogrammed within the next two hours" she ordered. She knew that it would be a huge job as Typhon was a gigantic base.

"Also. All Starfleet Personnel are to carry phasers from now on. Security and Marine forces will protect Civilian and important areas. Should anyone see this creature, or anyone using chemical weaponry. They are to open fire immediately and report their position" she said.

Gordon’s eyes were a bit on the bright side at the thought of being able to carry a phaser; he had his certs up to date and this would be fun.

Buck approached Aria once everyone seemed to be ready to move out and catch whatever was responsible for this chaos. "Lieutenant may I have a word with you in your office?"

"We are in my office" Aria replied simply. "What's the problem?" she asked.

He blinked and looked around. "It's a big office," he commented with a smile. It disappeared when he returned his gaze at her. Buck quickly composed himself. "I would appreciate it if you would not assume I would order anyone under in your department to provide me or the Captain with a report on the investigations progress. I would locate you and ask you directly." He told Aria.

"Its not you that I am worried about" Aria said simply. "Its other officers that may potentially bully the information out of others" she walked over to the other side of the room and sat down behind her desk. "You are the XO, so I needed you on the team in order to maintain a balance between Security, Command and all the departments" she explained.

Buck followed Aria and pointed at her, not accusingly or anything like that but in a 'making a point kind of way'. "If you hear about any of that going on you tell me immediately and I will put an end to it fast. I will not tolerate bullies of any form on this station." He said.

Then he gestured to himself as he continued. "It's just you looked at me when you said it and I got the impression I was the one you were concerned about. My apologies, anyway how would you go about securing any more scenes?"

"The opposite Commander" Aria said simply. "I wanted you to ensure it didn't happen" she explained. "I will continue the investigation as normal, we will find who, or what is killing our people".

"Make it fast," Buck commented but he added. "Is there a connection between the victims?"

"Not as of yet" Aria replied. "All are either civilian or Starfleet, but we're working on it" she explained.

"Can I suggest you not disregard anything that could become a connection?" He asked though he knew any experienced Security officer would not dismiss any commonality between the victims but he wanted her to be aware he will be carefully monitoring the investigation and situation in order to keep any unwanted information in the hands of the public before it needed to be. They didn't need additional unrest on the station.

"I see" Aria said. "I've already got several of my security investigation officers working on finding any correlation" she explained. "Right now, the TCIS is working together to find the killer"

"Excellent, I will not keep you any longer, need anything simply ask me if the Captain is unavailable." Buck said and gave a respectful incline of his head before excusing himself then left the room.

Aria nodded as she watched him leave. With the rest of the room now empty she turned to her computer console on her desk to bring up the information on the victims. She replicated herself a teapot of fresh tea, it was going to be a long day...

Posting by

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security Officer

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Commander Buck Ducati
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Staff Warrant Officer Jake Gordon
Forensic Pathologist


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