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New Assistants

Posted on Tue Nov 17th, 2015 @ 2:28pm by Lieutenant William Bradley [Rotrov] & Commander Raven Adams

533 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Day One

Lieutenant William Bradley, showered, pressed, and dressed before his husband, Lieutenant Commander Rotrov got out of bed, stood quietly observing his sleeping spouse.

He hadn't asked about all those who came before him. He didn't care. He knew that Carter had committed to him. He also knew that Carter was a man of integrity. William felt lucky to be with such a stand-up guy.

Softly, slowly, William walked over and gently kissed the sleeping Carter on his forehead. This woke Carter.

"Huh?" Carter quizzed as he came to.

"Nothing. Go back to sleep. I'm off to my first shift with Commander Adams." With that, Bradley pulled the covers back up to Carter's neck and left for his first duty shift in a new post.

After a few moments of navigating his way through the corridors, William arrived in the Intelligence Operations area. He depressed the door chime to Commander Adams' office.

"Come in," Raven said. This time, she was expecting her new assistant. "Edgar, best behavior," she said to the VI.

William walked confidently through the door and smiled. "Commander Adams, Lieutenant William Bradley reporting for duty, Ma'am." He stood at attention, waiting for Commander Adams to release him from the formal requirements.

"At ease," she said. "First, I'm not much on protocol. In this office, we work as a team, so please call me Raven. So, have a seat and tell me something about yourself."

William did as instructed, and smiled. "Well you already know the most important thing about me, and that's Carter. But before Carter, I was a workaholic, spending all hours thinking and reviewing and investigating. As a security specialist, I prided myself on being thorough."

"I have no problem with your life outside of Intel. All I ask is that you do your best while you're on duty," she said.

'Problem with my life outside of Intel.' thought William. He was somewhat confused. Why would she have? What did he say that was even remotely concerning for such a statement to be warranted? This first meeting with Raven was indeed an interesting experience. Perhaps she meant nothing by the statement, but maybe she felt he had become complacent. It was the first mystery of many to resolve.

"It's okay," Raven said, noting his discomfiture. "Let me rephrase what I said. I meant that I am happy for you and your marriage. Unless there's an emergency, consider your time off duty your own. However, I do expect everyone in my department to focus on work while they are here. That's not to say I think you'll have a problem, it's just something I tell everyone. Okay?"

Nodding slowly, William agreed. "I see. Well again, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"Then we should get along fine," she said, giving her new assistant a smile. "Have a look at your office and let me know if there's anything you need."

"Understood Commander." With that, William stood, "Permission to be dismissed?"

"Granted," Raven said. "I hope you find everything to your satisfaction."

With that, William nodded and exited the room.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant William Bradley
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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