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Stranded - Part 2

Posted on Sun Nov 15th, 2015 @ 4:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Lieutenant William Bradley [Rotrov]

956 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: U.S.S. Lexington - Main Engineering
Timeline: Day 2 - 0735-0800

After the voice conference with command ended, Carter looked over at his husband and sighed. “Well I guess we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.” He looked around the Main Engineering of the Lexington as he rubbed his head, pondering.

“Great. We’re not here a full week and I get busted being off station, away from my post, and now I’m stuck.” William shook his head in frustration.

Carter walked over to William and wrapped his arms around his husband. “It’s going to be okay. No one’s going to say anything about it. There are a few more important things going on.” Gently, Carter gave William a peck on the forehead. “Now,” Carter stated as he pulled back and held William by the biceps. “we’ve got to get everyone on the same page in case we have to leave the station.”

William nodded in support of his husband and sighed as he accepted the awkwardness of the situation.

“Go to that station over there, and see if you can give me a tactical report.” Carter began to slip into his command training as he essentially ordered his husband around.

Again, William nodded as he walked over to the station and began reading the information.

Carter walked back to what could be considered to be the Chief Engineer’s station, and activated a ship-wide communication channel. “Attention all Typhon and Lexington personnel, this is Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov of Starbase Typhon in Main Engineering here aboard the Lexington. As of current, the starbase is on lockdown and beyond that, I do not have any relevant information. I need all personnel to report to cargo bay…” Carter paused for a moment as he pulled up a schematic of the Lexington and found the numbering for the cargo bay across from engineering. “Cargo bay three. Due to the nature of the situation, you have five minutes. Rotrov out.”

Walking back towards Carter, William half smiled. “From what I can gather, we have simply been isolated from the station, meaning we should be able to work with crews of other ships if necessary. Otherwise, we’re sealed here.”

Nodding, Carter grabbed William’s hand. “We have no idea what’s about to transpire. This is a bit of an awkward situation and we’ve never talked about…”

Pulling Carter close into a strong hug, William almost squeezed the air out of his husband. After a few seconds he let Carter go and stepped back. “I understand our duty, Lieutenant Commander.”

Carter sighed with relief. He knew that he never wanted to be in the position of having to order William around, and he certainly never wanted to be in the position of potentially putting William in harm’s way. However, at this juncture, Carter had little-to-no choice. “Thank you Lieutenant. I need you to go to the bridge and monitor the tactical situation. I will meet with the crew that has remained aboard the Lexington and will work on a game plan.”

William nodded. “Understood Commander.” And with that, William smiled at Carter and then left Main Engineering for the bridge.

As Carter watched William leave, he realized that this was the danger of being married, serving together, and potentially being in the position of giving orders. There was a slight gnawing in the pit of his stomach, but he quickly suppressed it. Now was not the time to give-in to anxiety. Now was the time for attention and decision. Carter walked across the corridor to the cargo bay.

After a few moments, about fifteen people arrived in the cargo bay designated by Rotrov. It was an odd mishmash of Typhon and Lexington personnel. The highest ranking officer was an Ensign who was a medical doctor. Rotrov smiled at the group pleasantly as they stood at attention in the cargo bay.

“At ease.” Ordered Carter as he walked amongst the assembled crew. “We are currently isolated from the station. This means that at least for the next few hours, we need to be self-sufficient and hopefully productive.”

The crew nodded.

“Typhon repair crew, begin your repair assessment but DO NOT,” Carter paused for emphasis and then repeated himself. “DO NOT take any of the systems offline. We need to be prepared to depart Typhon should the situation require.” Carter approached the Ensign in the blue uniform and smiled at her pleasantly. “Your name, Ensign?”

“Amanda Robinson.” She replied quickly but softly.
“Ensign, how long have you been aboard the Lexington?” Carter asked.

She looked at him, a little concerned. “A little over a year Sir. May I ask why?”

Carter patted her softly on the shoulder. “You’re my acting second officer until this situation resolves. Take sufficient crew with you to the bridge to man all essential posts, and report to Lieutenant Bradley.”

The Ensign nodded and pointed out a few of the Lexington personnel and began to depart for the bridge.

“Everyone else, report to your stations.” Order Rotrov.

“Understood.” Came the reply, almost in unison, and the rest of the crew left the cargo bay.

Carter did not turn to watch them leave, but instead, took a deep breath and allowed them to leave. As soon as the last of the crew was out of earshot, Carter tapped his communicator. “Lieutenant Bradley, I’ve sent you some help.”

“Acknowledged.” Replied Bradley.

With that, Carter walked back across the hall to Main Engineering. He would be more useful there until he was needed on the bridge or until this whole mess was worked out.


Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon
Acting CO - USS Lexington

Lieutenant William Bradley
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon
Acting XO - USS Lexington


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