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Late night conversations

Posted on Tue Nov 10th, 2015 @ 4:52pm by Commander Billy Jo Rhodes & Captain Landon Mabrade

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past

[Late night Cafe'.]

Mabrade was in more casual clothing; slacks, a turtleneck under a button dress shirt and light vest sitting across from a lovely lady. The dinner was stimulating; Billy Jo was an intelligent woman who sparked lively conversation; he did enjoy a woman of grace who need not prove it.

The entrees had all the subtle smells and presentation of a fine dining experience; the chef had outdone herself in Mabrade opinion. The wine Ebele suggested went well with the food as he had heard her choices often hit the mark.

The conversation was all but enthralling to him; a woman who knew her mind and was comfortable with herself is a rarity.The night was going so well that Mabrade found himself not wanting to have it end quite yet. He has asked Billy Jo if she might like some more conversation as he really did enjoy her company and wished to learn more of the woman named Billy Jo?

After walking for a bit; no real destination in mind, the two just walk and told one another about various subjects of life, comparing stories and learning just a bit more about one another. He took her to a cafe' that catered to the late night Owls and those that did not want their evening to end. The two sat sipping coffee and having a good time.

It had been a long time since anyone had spent hours just talking with her. Billy Jo liked to talk, but most of her staff were too eager to go home to their families. So, an evening and then a night of conversation was a rare treat. Especially with someone who also enjoyed a good conversation. So, when the opportunity presented itself, how could she refuse the chance to walk and talk with someone who wasn't in such a hurry to be somewhere else.

He had been usurious about her choice of words, the way she had described what she would do with the three Sabre class ships had intrigued him, she had more emotional attachment to her work than most people he had met in her line of work.

"You do love what you do, I can tell by the way you talk of the ships, almost as though they were... persons or at least more than just inanimate objects that are meant to go out into space as a means of transportation?"

"Well, they are," she said. "Each ship has its own personality. Each one is a little bit different. That makes each one special. I started out working in personnel, but it didn't take long until I ended up runnin' the entire place. They say it was my enthusiasm, but I think it was because I understand what making ships is all about. Who wouldn't love the opportunity to watch a starship come to life and then head out into space to explore and have adventures?"

"I think that is part of what brings us out here; they say there is a special bond betwen a Captain and his command; that the 'ship' becomes his 'other woman' in his life." He took a sip of his coffee. "Thta kind of backs your theory don't you think?"

Tag Billy Jo

Then the subtle chime from his comm badge caught his full attention, Mabrade tried to be subtle but a Station Lock Down alert was not something he had heard often and in the middle of a conversation Mabrade hoped had potential for more time seeing Billy Jo did not set well with him.

"Excuse me Billy Jo." He gave a polite smile. "but this is a call that I have to answer..." he shook his head slightly. "In person; the comm does not sound for the ... little emergencies. I am afraid I have to Tend to this situation." HIs expression was one that conveyed he did not like the option of leaving. "I was so enjoying the time but the Station had a situation..." He thought for a moment. "I should make arrangements for your lodging, the Station will be announcing the lock down momentarily and I have to go evaluate the .. situation." HE decided honest is the best option. "I am sorry I detained you too long as I enjoy your company Billy Jo." He leaned and kissed her hand. "I do apologize for the inconvenience."

"Honey, don't worry about li'l old me. A few hours of sleep and I'll be ready to work on those ship specifications I promised." A station-wide lock down was not something you took lightly. "I can work here as well as my office," she said, smiling at his gallant gesture. "You're the one who has to deal with an emergency. I'll find a nice room, get some sleep, then maybe do some shopping. Since I'm going to be stuck here for a day or two, I might as well get me some new clothes." She smiled at him as she stood. "Don't let me keep you, neither. Emergencies don't wait for man or meal."

"You are a rare woman." Mabrade said honestly. "Shall we say a slightly later meeting, a working lunch as humans say." He winked. "Thank you for .. understanding. " He knew he had to go.

"'tweren't nothin'," she assured him. "Make it dinner. That'll give me time to get those specs ready for you." She watched him hurry off, then headed for the promenade to do some shopping. There would be plenty of time to sleep when she had some new clothes to wear later.

Mabrade had to break away from the kind lady, as he was marching in measured strides towards the nearest Turbo Lift he tapped his comm badge and after a few words was given where the newest murder had occurred.

“Damn, I was actually getting to know her…” He cursed under his breath.


Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer

Commander BIlly Jo Rhodes
Director, Athena Shipyards


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