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Warming up to Valhalla.

Posted on Thu Nov 12th, 2015 @ 12:01pm by Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Thu Nov 12th, 2015 @ 6:20pm

534 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Valhalla Bridge
Timeline: MD 02 0815 hours


Lieutenant Xenon took the Command Chair about an hour ago; the Warp core was just coming on line, his OPS Officer had the reports coming through the channels. The Flight Officer had the console warming up; the view screen had activated.

Xenon knew his job; he was given the Command Rotation for the Nova CLass Vessel anchored at the Ship Yards. SInce the New Commanding Officer had arrived efforts were allocated to getting the ship ready for space.

She was not the newest ship off the line but with her limited his troy and majority of time in Space Dock the worker s seemed quite happy to see her with a crew ; even a skeleton one, manning the small star ship.

"Impulse Engines are on line." The Helmsman reported from her station.

"Conn get us clearances, we are not going that far and have the sensor warmed up first." Xenon ordered. "Prepare to go to internal power and to cast off mooring lines." HE knew the procedure to take a ship out of dock.

"Ship on Internal power." OPS reported. "Flight Control has given us clearances for departure." The OPS Officer relayed.

"Take us out one quarter impulse." Xenon commanded.

"One quarter Impulse." The ensign said from her Helm station.

"Set course for the outer markers." Xenon said. "Seems we are on picket duty, help warn ships off and keep an extra set of eyes and warn people of the Lock Down."

The Valhalla edged forward from her birth with the ease of a well trained Helm Officers at the controls. She glide along her projected path , arcing to the course change to intercept the waiting transport.

"Full power to long range scans Kelso." Xenon informed the Human Science Officer at the station. "

"I know what I am to do sir, but why we being sent out for crowd control?" Kelso grumbled.

"Better than sitting around as a 'Stand By Crew' and playing cards." Xenon retort.

"Only because you are bad at poker or Dabo." Kelso laughed.

"Just call it getting space hours towards your next review." He quipped. "WHich if you keep it up I will noted it in my log."

"Heading to the outer marker, recommended speed Full impulse from FLught control to get us out of way." The Helm Officer reported.

"I know..." Kelso began. "Every detail that we can get from sensors is an early warning so to warn them off."

The Nova class star ship was well suited for this type of assignment, a science vessel by design, she had enough weapons to defend herself and run, she is not a combat vessel. She might be a match for the freighters but not really any of the Saber Crass ships that were taken off line despite their being birthed on eh station and heading for Ship Yards for upgrading and refit. It seems the New Captain intends to get some use from the Garrison vessels.

"Once past the outer buoy follow the patrol pattern transmitted to us from Typhon Command." Xenon ordered and sat back for the ride, anything was better than sitting in a Flight deck Ready Room waiting departure orders.


NPC Crew
Piloted by Mabrade


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