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Posted on Thu Nov 12th, 2015 @ 6:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Lieutenant William Bradley [Rotrov]

648 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: U.S.S. Lexington - Main Engineering
Timeline: Day 2 - 0715-0735

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov stood in Main Engineering of the U.S.S. Lexington, docked at Starbase Typhon for repair and resupply.

“I think you’ll find that she’s in good working order, Commander.” Rotrov was greeted warmly by the Chief Engineer of the Lexington, Lieutenant Cassandra Grimes.

“Cass, it’s a pleasure to see you.” Rotrov smiled, warmly greeting his friend. Rotrov and Grimes had a long standing friendship based upon competition and sibling styled ribbing, starting when he was the Chief Engineer of the Runnymede.

Carter looked around the Lexington’s Main Engineering and nodded in approval as Cass continued. “Sir, we’ve managed to exceed output efficiency set by the Runnymede last cycle. Currently, we require assistance with reconfiguring the new warp manifold, but I’m sure we can leave that in your capable hands.”

Nodding, Carter agreed. “Of course you can. We’ll have her ready by the time you get back from shore leave.”

“Great! Well then I guess all we have left is the authorization.” Replied Cass.

Carter smiled.

“Computer, Recognize Grimes Omega Omega Zero Seven Alpha Two.” Grimes called out as she took off her duty jacket.

“Lieutenant Cassandra Grimes, Chief Engineer, recognized.” Replied the computer.

“Computer, authorize Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov, Chief Engineer of Starbase Typhon, with Chief Engineer status.”

“Rotrov recognized. Thank you Lieutenant.”

With that, Carter was officially recognized as the Chief Engineer of the Lexington for the purposes of repairs and Grimes was now on leave.

“Thank you Cass. Have a good vacation.” Continued Rotrov.

Cassandra smiled. “Keep my girl in good condition.” And with that, she disappeared, leaving Carter alone in engineering.

The majority of the Lexington crew had already managed to leave the ship, sections of the ship were now dark, and Carter had access to all aspects of the ship for purposes of repair and maintenance.

William, knowing that Carter had to get an early start this morning, wanted to be thoughtful and make sure that Carter had his morning cup of coffee.

“Computer, locate Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov.”

“Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov is aboard the U.S.S. Lexington, Main Engineering.” Responded the computer.

Smiling, the intelligence officer gathered up the thermos and cups into his arms. “Computer, site to site transport, this location to Main Engineering, U.S.S. Lexington.”

William dematerialized in his quarters and rematerialized in the Main Engineering of the U.S.S. Lexington behind his husband.

Carter turned to gaze at the matter stream and grinned as he saw his husband materialize.

“You forgot this.” Prodded William as he handed Carter a cup.

Continuing his grin, Carter accepted the cup.

“And this…” William leaned in and kissed Carter on the cheek.

“To be honest.” Started Carter. “That second bit is what I was really missing. I can get coffee anywhere.”

These two were still in that sickeningly sweet phase of their marriage where everything was perfect and life was roses and rainbows.

“So where is everyone?” Quizzed William, noting the absence of people aboard the ship.

“Most have gone over to the station for leave. All essential ship’s systems have been transferred to me.” Rotrov smiled.

Suddenly, the ship went into yellow alert.

“Computer, explain alert status!” Called out Rotrov as he looked over at William.

William, for his part, looked concerned. It was abnormal for a ship in dock to go to yellow alert status.

“Yellow alert has been triggered by Station security change. Starbase Typhon has entered a security lockdown. All airlocks and umbilicals between the ship and base have been disconnected.” The computer replied.

Carter’s eyes widened as he leaned over to the main engineering station and tapped a few buttons on the panel bringing up the communication’s panel. “Starbase Operations, this is Rotrov and I’m aboard the Lexington. We just went to yellow alert over a lockdown. Please Advise…”


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