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Gaining some Ground I hope?

Posted on Fri Dec 11th, 2015 @ 7:30am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Captain Landon Mabrade

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 03 Early


Mabrade was in his Office reclining on what he is learning is a comforable enough sofa; longer than most as he thought Lurch could almost stretch out upon it when the call from his Chief of Security came.

=^= Mabrade here, what can I do for you Kanzaki? =^= he replied and sat up.

=A= I've got our killer sir. I've also found a way to track them. In fact I'm tracking them now. =A= Aria replied simply. =A=

=^= I am on my way. =^= Mabrade replied and cut the channel on his way out.

[Security Offices]

Mabrade made his way to the Security at a very Military style of strides, obvious that he had a back ground from Marine or some similar training in his past. He nod to the people that took notice and especially those in the Security while he made his way to the Security Office.

KNocking on the Door frame to be acknowledged before he entered.

"What do you have for me Aria?" He asked.

"I'm in the Security Control Room" Aria's voice said through the comm system. It was next to the security office so it wasn't too far away.

Mabrade moved through the office to the source of the voice and wstood over Aria as he could see things that way.

Aria looked up at Mabrade as he walked in. "There are several of those clouds" she explained. "Those dots represent where they are on Typhon now" she nodded to the red dots locating them on the holographic 3D image of the starbase. "Basically, I'm tracking them. Now we need to find a way to get rid of them"

Looks like only three targets thus far, do we know if thre are more?" Mabrade asked

"These are the only ones we've got so far" she said. "As far as I can tell, these are the only three we have onboard".

"What we need to do is confirm this is the real target and not rusk your people?" Mabrade said. "But with them in the ventilation it will be hard to track the down." HE had a sudden idea. Close the vents like an emergency and force them to a near by Security trap." Mabrade suggested. "Heard them somewhere you can catch them?"

"I can close vents and direct them into different areas" Aria explained. She tapped a few times on the consoles. "So far I've observed that they seem to not like plasma discharges and can't get through closed vents. So we can literally channel them into one area".

Put up force fields or such to see if we can trap them once they are out?" Mabrade suggested.

"I can try" Aria said as she tapped on the console. "But what do we do with them once we have them trapped?" she asked.

"Keep them contained until we figure out how to get rid of them or destroy them?" Mabrade suggested. "Once contained see if we can scan them then we will see?"

The first job is to actually get them where we can keep them from harming anyone else." Mabrade surmised. "Can you erect force fields around them where they are and we go to them?" HE asked? "If we can keep them contained we can figure out how to destroy them, I do not like things hunting my crew and civilians. maybe a variation of that phaser setting might do the job and we could get rid of these then any more that are on that transport?" HE looked at the screen. "They are murderous and I do not relish letting them get loose anywhere so extreme prejudiced is authorized. Get them off our station so we can be safe again."

"I'll direct them to an empty Cargo bay and lock down the entire area" Aria said as she tapped the console in front of her. "Cargo Bay Sixty Three is currently empty and not in use" she explained. "I can hold them there".

"Make it so." Mabrade ordered.

Captain Landon Mabrade
Commanding Officer
Star Base Typhon

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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