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A Tour of the Arthurian (part 3)

Posted on Sun Dec 6th, 2015 @ 1:48pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Darius Cayne
Edited on on Sun Dec 6th, 2015 @ 1:49pm

1,082 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ghosts of Mirror's Past
Location: The USS Arthurian



"I may not have a double wide coffin, but I have a big honkin sword." Darius said softly before leaning down and locking lips with her, bringing her closer into a passionate kiss.


Raven's hand slid up his chest and around his neck as she returned his kiss. She kept to herself most of the time, not trusting anyone to get too close -- except for Khiy. He was her best friend and confidant. But the two of them had known each other far longer than she'd been in Starfleet. And yet here she was, against her own nature, kissing a man she'd just met and knew nothing about -- except that she was strongly attracted to him. She pulled back to catch her breath. "I don't kiss men I've just met," she said, her hand gently caressing the back of his neck.

"Good. We have something in common." Darius replied softly with a smile as he continued in a whisper. "I don't kiss men I've just met either."

She put her head on his shoulder and chuckled. "Well, that's something. I think..."

"So now what?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her in close, holding her in his arms.

Raven stayed where she was for several moments, unwilling to move. She really should go back to Typhon, but she didn't want to. "Well, that all depends. I could thank you for the tour and go back to the station, or..." She paused for a moment. "Or you could show me more of your ship. Maybe someplace quiet where we could talk..."

Darius smiled as he took a step back and looked at Raven. "I know of a few places." He said softly as he held his hand out to her.

She put her hand in his, knowing it was a tacit agreement. "Lead the way."

He nodded as he took her hand and slowly walked with her to the door. He had no idea where they would end up, but he knew it would be somewhere. She was definitely something special and it was worth opening up just a tad. Perhaps this assignment wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

They said nothing as he led her out of his office, across the bridge and into the turbolift. "Tell me something about yourself," she asked quietly.

"Okay." Darius responded softly, a bit of a smirk on his face before he continued. "I've only just been placed in Intel. I spent most of my career in Security, so you could say I have more of a cop mentality than a spy. The Arthurian is my first command, and I was chosen primarily because most of the experimental tech in it is my idea. I came up with it during my sleepless nights at a rehab center where I was placed after I was freed from the Borg."

She liked the idea that he wasn't a typical Intel officer. Neither was she, and she felt a little more comfortable with the knowledge. "Interesting. What sort of experimental tech?"

"An enhanced cloak, for starters. Can't be an Intel Ship without one of those." Darius added with a bit of a smile before continuing. "A modified sensors, shields, weapons, and this thing I have been working on. I've managed to work out a way to combine the deflector, shield array, and various holo-emitters to project a different ship class. Kind of like a camouflage. It's still in its experimental stages, but it, with a device that sends out false transponder signals."

"There's a program that can be used to change the transponder codes as needed. It doesn't work with the deflector but it can be used to send out a sort of holo-display to make the ship look like what you are transmitting. Not as fancy as the one you're working on, though, and not Starfleet," she said.

Darius smiled a bit as he looked toward her and nodded. "It works for me." He said softly as he continued to walk with her. "You know, there is a place for you on the Arthurian, if your interested. In case you ever feel that life on board a station becomes too much for you."

She glanced over at him and smiled. "Typhon allows me the space and anonymity I need," she said. "I don't find it too much for me. On the contrary, sometimes I find I need more of a challenge." Another glance before she added, "Depending on the position, I wouldn't mind moonlighting from time to time."

"That's just it. I don't know how long I will be here and it would be nice to bring something back with me that I can appreciate." Darius said softly as they stopped in front of a door. He turned to look at her and gently placed his finger under her chin, lifting it up a bit so they could meet eyes. "If you understand my meaning, that is."

Raven smiled. "I understand your meaning," she replied softly. "It would be nice to be appreciated."

"You are appreciated." Darius replied with a smile, taking a step closer to her. "At least by me, anyway. Which should be important seeing as how this is my ship." He added a bit of a soft laugh.

Raven chuckled softly. "Very important," she replied, trying to sound serious. "You have a very nice...ship."

"Well.. You approve of my office, my sword, my ship, and my magician." Darius said as he crossed his arms slowly over his chest and smirked a bit. "Lady... I am sold."

Raven gave him a wicked smile. "Well then, Captain Cayne, now that you're sold, where do we go from here?"

"My quarters." Darius said softly, adding his own wicked smile as he tapped on the panel next to the door and tapped in the code to unlock it. As the doors opened he looked back to Raven and took her hand. "Maybe I can treat you to breakfast in the morning, that is, if you make it through the night."

Raven raised an eyebrow and smiled as she let him lead her into his quarters. "I don't think making it through the night will be a problem," she teased. "I do have a few tricks up my sleeve -- even if I don't have my coffin."


Captain Darius Cayne
USS Arthurian

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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