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I'm here if you need someone

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 6:23am by Commander Krang Darkmoon

425 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Security Offices
Timeline: current

Not having the cadets around was kind of lonely after so long together. He was confident in them and Commander Tolren so he wasn't worried, just a little lonely. He had been told security might need some help so here he was. As he entered the Office area he told himself "I am to old to be doing this." After asking an officer where the Chief might be, he located him in his office. It was kind of a shock to see. The guy was huge. "Commander Darkmoon, a word with you if I may?"

Krang looked up from his desk and grunted slightly and waved Hawkins in. He pointed to one of the two chairs on the opposite side of his desk. He took a long sip of his coffee and then asked, "What do you want?"

Captain Fannin said you were short handed, I came to offer my services if your interested? I was in security a good while. Also I have some Cadets that I would like you to consider for some training. Just treat them like they were new officers, I expect they will do fine." Mike handed over a PADD with his service record for Darkmoon to check over.

"They're cadets, so why would I treat them like officers?" Krang asked a bit gruffly.

"For the same reason you are treated as an Officer, because that is what you are. They are afforded the same privileges as any Ensign when out and about as they are now. You went to the Academy so you are as aware of this as I am." Mike was not sure if he was trying to pick a fight or just overworked. Mike had never been real smart about backing down though.

Krang just looked at Hawkins like he had a third eye growing out of his forehead. "If you actually expect me to treat a bunch of snot nosed cadets like commissioned officers, I am afraid you are going to be sorely disappointed."

"That is your loss then commander, good day." Hawkins rose smoothly and left the office. Mike knew many Officers did not like training people and this was his first refusal, so far he had done better then expected.

Krang stared in disbelief at the retreating back of the Cadet supervisor. "What a sad, strange little man." he thought to himself, then snorted dismissively and went back to his paper work.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins
Cadet Adviser
Starbase Typhon


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