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Filing Complaints

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 6:23am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: current


Morgan Damron had connections everywhere. She liked it that way. She liked being informed, so when she heard about the Neyel cities crashing onto Typhon 5 she was not amused.

She took two of her bodyguards and stormed into the Captain's Ready Room. The two guards went first, clearing the way for her to enter like the Prophetess of Doom.

"Captain, I wish to lodge several complaints. I must also inform you that my lawyers are on their way. I have sent a formal complaint to Starfleet Command and, unless you take immediate action, I will sue you and your monkey for everything you own. Including those two monstrosities the Neyel call cities. '"

Fannin waved yeoman James off as she was getting ready to take out a few bodyguards....

Fannin smiled "Ah, the lovely Morgan Damron.... If you can please tell me exactly which Monkey your talking about."

"Couter," she spat. "He crashed those... abominations... onto Typhon 5. I've petitioned for a commune on that planet. The Neyel had no right to accelerate their arrival without consulting me first. I wasn't even informed."

She was working herself into a fine rant. "He is guilty of environmental sabotage, wanton disregard of the delicate ecological balance on the planet, shattering the harmonics of the planet's karma, desecration of a holy site -- one certain to become a galactic shrine where millions will flock to pay homage to the Goddess,"

She glared at Fannin for a moment. "That doesn't even account for endangering my people with his reckless flyover of my side of the planet, global flooding and atmospheric contamination. If I have to relocate after spending billions to secure my side of the planet, he and the Federation will have to pay for this."

She tossed her hair over her shoulders. "I demand an immediate and permanent cessation of all air travel over my side of the planet, an immediate cleanup of the destruction he and his abominations have caused to the ecosystem and monetary compensation for the time and effort I will have to put into cleansing and purifying the harmonics and karma of the planet. Not only that, my followers are picketing outside Starfleet Headquarters as we speak."

After a full thirty seconds of silence Fannin shook his head. "Excuse me Morgan, But I need to bring up the point that the Neyel were planetside First. Their means may have been a bit haphazard but the results turned out favorably, kind of.... At this point I'm just not sure of the damage that was caused on the planet. I will find out of course as soon as the dust settles, literally. Additionally I'm not sure how you can damage the karma of a planet. As far as monetary reimbursement, just not sure how far that will get you....

The Captain sat down at his desk. He motioned for her to sit down and relax. "Have you made contact with the Neyel Government?

Morgan sat regally and crossed her legs. "Not yet. But I have sent a petition through Starfleet Command and my lawyers are filing paperwork right now to sue the Neyel people as a whole and Will Couter specifically."

She smiled coolly. "However, you could save us both a great deal of trouble if we settled this matter out of court."

Fannin was very amused on the inside. He looked at Morgan. She was very good...

"Morgan, tell me what is on your mind."

"The Neyel Government can pay me 10,000 bars of gold-pressed latinum, they will clean the atmosphere and the ocean and they will NEVER fly over my side of the planet without permission." She paused to let that sink in. "I also want 10% of all their gross income from trade and exports." Then she smiled. "From the Federation, I want you to expedite my paperwork. I not only want the valley, I want the entire continent. All under the name and control of the Damron Group. Do that, and I drop all charges and all complaints. For now."

Edward tapped his desk with his fingers, he leaned forward. I can only enter a negotiation on behalf of the Federation, but not the Neyel. Would you like me to tell you how this is all going to turn out Morgan?

Morgan leaned forward and gave him a knowing smile. "Go ahead. Tell me how you think it will go, and I'll tell you where you're mistaken."

Fannin smiled, "You will stop your threats to sue anyone. You and I both know you don't need the money from the Neyel, so you can forgo that pursuit. I will approve your application for the Jordan River valley and range. It is by far the largest and most resource laden tract of land the Fleet has got it 's hands on for a while. I will modify the lease to include some additional parcels. I will also help you out as I can. You will be able to sent for your colonists and begin much sooner than you had planned. Or, you can continue this path, I'll hold you up as long as I can and in the process turn that Vally into a bombing range for a few weeks....Your call Morgan."

If there's nothing else for me I believe I'll head out for a nice dinner. I expect to hear from you soon Morgan." Fannin waited at the door for a response...

Morgan nodded to Lance and Wayne, her two guards. They quickly stepped in front of the door menacingly.

"No, my dear Captain, Let me tell you how this will work," Morgan said, standing and walking over to Fannin. "You will give me the Jordan River Valley and the rest of the continent. It isn't the largest continent on the planet. That has been given to the Neyel. It's not even the second largest continent. If you do, I will keep you and Starfleet out of my complaints and suits. If you don't, I'll drag your name through the mud on every planet in the Federation. Not only that, I'll make your life a living hell. I have enough clout in Starfleet Command to keep you tied in knots for the next 20 years." She leaned in and gave him a cool smile. "Consider your decision, Captain. I'll be waiting for you." She gave him a feral grin and stepped back.

"Agreed, I look forward to your lease approval Morgan. One more thing, your bodyguards will be restricted to the VIP quarters until you are authorized to depart planetside. If they are found outside the their restricted area they will be of no further use to you. Have a nice day.....

Captain Fannin left his office and headed for Dinner...

Morgan got her way, but she didn't get the last word. She didn't like that. She looked at her guards and nodded for them to precede her out the door. She wasn't going to leave them behind. It wasn't safe. And it got her more attention -- always a good thing when looking for more followers.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Morgan Damron (NPC)
Priestess and Business Tycoon

Lancelot (Lance) and Gawain (Wayne) (NPC)
Morgan's Bodyguards


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