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number crunching?

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2010 @ 6:04am by Captain Anna Johnson

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Operations office
Timeline: current

Mike was making the rounds while the Cadets were away, scheduling them to be properly busy was a full time job. He made his way to the Operations office early, thinking to catch the commander in charge here before she took off to check on some minor catastrophe or other. He caught her just as she was leaving, "Excuse me Commander Johnson, Commander Hawkins here. Mind if I walk with you?" He fell into step beside her easily as spoke. "This is a large base, the one I was on before was not a tenth of this one."

"Same here." Anna said, "What can I do for you?"

"I have the task of keeping a highly motivated and intelligent group of Cadets busy, they are currently with Commander Tolren on the . I was wondering if you had a few weeks worth of logistics for them to work on? That eye-burning, boring kind of stuff that drains the mind. I want them to know it isn't all exciting daring-do and exploring the Galaxy. Even a few night-shift work nights were things break and need tended to would be welcome as well." Mike smiled as finished speaking, "They think I am easy, and I have to work on that you see."

"There is plenty of mundane stuff to do here in my department. A lot of bugs to chase down and replicators to fix as well as routine maintenance checks on things so I'm sure I could sufficiently bore them as you put it." Anna said.

"Sorry Commander Johnson, I didn't mean to imply your job was boring." Mike looked properly stricken. "I was an Operations Chief on an older Galaxy class for a while, and I know how many mundane things I had to do. With a station this size the amount of checking and double checks must be staggering. I meant no slight and I am well aware of the importance and complications of what you do."

Anna shook her head, "I was by no means offended Mister Hawkins. I was just saying I understand the type work you are looking for and I was agreeing that I had plenty of that type of work available." She said.

A relieved expression crossed his face, "I am glad you understood. I am afraid my people skills are a bit rusty, when you find the time please send me a schedule of jobs they can assist with. If there is anything I can do to help out please feel free to give me a call. Times like now when the Cadets are off romping around is not a great deal to keep me occupied either!" Mike reached to shake hands, "Thanks for your cooperation as well."

Anna took the offered hand, "I will have a list of jobs and schedules for you withing 24 hours." She said.

"My thanks again. I will put your task on the top of my short list, and see they get scheduled in. I will let you to your current task and If I see you in the lounge I would like to buy you a drink. Maybe discuss some of the problems of the base." Mike smiled as dropped back to go down another side joining hall.

"I'll see you then." Anna said and stepped on the lift to make her way to sick bay so she could get her check up out of the way.

Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins, Cadet Adviser
Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson, Chief Operations


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