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The First Wave (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2016 @ 9:42am by Kira Martin & Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Promenade

Previously on Star Trek: Typhon...

[Typhon Station]

Khiy monitored the situation from his desk inside the offices of TGT. He watched on the screen as his escort assets did a well practiced dance of shifting positions and patrol re-routs to pick up the slack from exiting vessels. With the Khellian as the official Flag vessel, the other Grey Star Securities ships quickly fell into their new security routes to prevent ships from entering or leaving the immediate as was standard protocol.

This action plan was written weeks ago by the Starfleet security teams to keep order in the case of an emergency. Khiy was glad that his ships had practiced this plan a number of times to make sure it was as clean and efficient as possible. He was proud of his teams' execution of the action plan, and in particular, how N'alae had taken control of the situation. It was textbook.

As Khiy leaned back into his chair his eyes turned to the window looking out into the surrounding space. "Now let's hope this explosion is as bad as it gets." He said to no one.

And now the continuation....


Wilhelm felt the station shake. "Mein Gott..." Wilhelm exclaimed marched out of his temporary office and into the Marine Substation setup for the festival. "The Regiment will Stand to Arms immediately. I want immediate check ins from all patrols and duty stations. Backup Security. Lock down the Station, all entrances and exits." Wilhelm said and took a breath. "Inform Security and Engineering Otto and his Demolition boys are at their disposal." Wilhelm said then looked at the monitors. "All other available units are to help Security clear the Concourse and setup Triage if necessary." Wilhelm said watching the chaos unfold.


=A= Kanzaki to Mabrade. We have a situation on the promenade. Three separate explosions. We're investigating, but we have mass panic down here =A= Aria reported as she sprinted through the crowd the strong smell of smoke, fire and burning filling her nose.

Rii'Na flew through the crowd, hot on the heels of Aria. filtering through the crowd and trying to keep up.

Aria pushed through the crowd to the scene of the first explosion. It had once been a currency exchange for the sector, dealing in Latinum, Federation Credits and many other currencies across the sector. Above it, the walkway and small cafe, plus its seating area had been completely destroyed.

There was debris and smoke everywhere, small fire burning in and out of the gaping hole in the side of this section of the Promenade.
"Everyone move back!" Aria started to command, trying to control the crowds. People were gathering and screaming, shouting and pushing. Several medics were already on the scene.

=A= Kanzaki to Marines. I need help on the promenade now. We have several injured and crowds are getting beyond securitys control =A= Aria said as she tried to hold back the crowds. =A= We also need people to assist in rescue operations =A= she added

Wilhelm joined his men moving people out of the Concourse. "Just keep moving folks! We'll keep you safe! Keep calm!" he called out as his men assisted with moving people out. He spotted a group of lost looking kids wandering. Grabbing a squad of Marines he went over to them. Seeing tears in their eyes he picked up a little boy probably no older then five. "There, there boyo. The good guys are here to help." He said to the boy and his men picked up the rest of the kids and carried them to a safe place.

Warrant Officer Willey and his men moved in with the Station Medics behind the crowds helping anyone that was left. "Search all the stalls and shops we have to make sure we got everyone!" Willey ordered his medics as they spread out to help anyone left.

The medics scattered and began to search for injured.

One of Aria's security officers came up to her, he had obviously been near the blast. His uniform was torn, he had a few grazes but nothing serious.
"What do we do?" he asked, trying to remain calm.

Aria had to think for a few seconds of what to do. "Clear the immediate area of civilians" she ordered. "Allow for emergency teams to get in here and make the area safe. Everyone within three sections are to be evacuated or escorted away" she explained. "Close these areas of the promenade immediately" she ordered. "We are to remain calm and not instigate panic"

Sergeant Otto and his Demo Team decked out in full rig. jogged up to Aria. Coming to a halt he saluted quickly "Sergeant Krupp, Artificer Company. Where do you want us sir?"

"Help escort civilians away from the damaged areas. We also need to ensure that rescue and medical teams can get through" she explained to them.

"Aria, how can I help?" Ashe askd, still in the Blue dress. "I have done a bit of crowd control in my time."

"I need someone to help me here. We might have a lot of casualties, so I need someone to assist me with the rescue and medical teams" she explained to Ashe.

"Traffic control, at your service." Rii'Na gave a bow, standing ready. "Whatever you need."


Two days she had been here two days, explosions not one but at least three, Serena swore as she got back on her feet she had been knocked off of them by a blast wave, she was not the only one, she helped the nearest person too her to their feet, the computer chirped for her attention, and she got the notice from Adams to be alert for ships coming and going and such... Yeap her boss was on the ball, Serena was glad to know she was working for someone that thought fast during unexpected events like having explosions going off around the station. What areas had been hit? Serena wanted to find out and why....

Kira Martin looked around the studio, checking on all the ladies in the room. All were on the floor, coughing from the dust, but all looked to be conscious. One of the ladies was clearly in pain. "Mrs. Johnson, where do you hurt?" she asked, going over to the older woman.

"My back. It hurts to move," the woman said quietly. "And I can't take a deep breath."

"Don't try," Kira said. "Just breath and hold still. I'll call for a doctor."

Kira went to the wall panel and tapped on the comm panel. "Xanadu to medical. We have a woman who needs to be transported to sickbay."

"Sickbay here. We'll send someone right away."

"Thank you," Kira said, disconnecting the comm panel to wait for help.

[Lower Promenade]

Starbase Security and the Marines had more or less got the crowds under control. Smoke still drifted through the air, and the smell of burning still turned away sensitives noses.

Aria's uniform was ripped in several places, and her hair was dirty. She had wasted no time in assiting her people and the Engineers pulling people from the rubble. Medical teams were beginning to arrive, armed with med kits and emergency equipment.

She had heard no word from Captain Mabrade, and she hoped that he was safe. The rubble was piled up high and they had yet to gain entry into the shop where the explosion had erupted from. Clambering down she wandered over to the approaching teams.

"Set up medical triage facilities in nearby shops. Keep as many injured off the main promenade. The last thing we want is people panicking" she ordered. "If the shop owners object, tell them to talk to me" she said simply. "This is no time to be emotional. Bury your emotions and save as many people as you can. Treat those whose life is in danger first, then deal with those in pain later" she ordered.

One of the doctors paused long enough to give Aria a haughty look. "We know our jobs, ma'am. All we require is assistance by getting the wounded to us."

Kira came out of Xanadu, escorting several of the less-injured ladies. She spotted the doctor. "Can you help me? One of the ladies needs to be transported to sickbay."

The doctor nodded and indicated to two young medics to go with Kira.

"This way," she said, leading them back to Xanadu. "She's pinned under some debris, so I can't get her out safely."

The medics quickly assessed the situation, then pinned a combadge to the woman. "Two to beam to sickbay," one medic said. A moment later, he and the woman dematerialized.

"Thank you," Kira said as the other medic went back to the promenade to help with triage.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine CO

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Master Warrant Officer Charles Willey

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Ensign Serena Giacamo
Infiltration Specialist

Kira Martin
Owner, Xanadu



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