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Shipnapped (part 1)

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 3:29pm by Commander Billy Jo Rhodes & Captain Darius Cayne & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,049 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture


Billy Jo sat in her office, half reading reports and half looking out the viewport at the shipyard below. She loved her job, and she loved watching the ships being repaired. It never stopped to fascinate her, even after five years on the job. Well, three as head of the shipyards. For the first two she was over personnel.

She got up from her desk and walked over to the large window to watch the engineers roll out the new gohira class. It was one of her babies, a large Marine transport ship with enough fire power to get in and out of tough situations. It could hold an entire platoon, support, supplies, and the flight team to get them there. It was a beautiful site.

Suddenly she saw a dozen humanoids appear, dressed in full battle hear. They immediately stunned everyone in sight -- or she assumed they were stunned. Too many people fell too quickly to be phaser fire. "Computer intruder alert. Send security to the shipyards."

Before she got a response, the intruders boarded her baby. "Like hell you will," she bellowed and ran out of the room.

"Rhodes to MaBrade, intruders are stealing one of my ships."

=^= Stealing a ship? =^= MaBrade replied. =^= I have terrorists over here trying to take down the station. =^= He replied. =^= I will dispatch a ship to help you there, just stay put we will be on it I have the best ship for that kind of thing.=^=

"I don't have time for that, sugar," Billy Jo replied. "I'll be on my shuttle in less than a minute. If I wait for you, they'll be out of range."

Her personal shuttle was docked nearby for quick evacuation, if necessary. She ran on board and started the launch sequence. "Rhodes to Athena, intruders are stealing the Gohira. I'm going after those yellow-bellied, swamp-sucking hooligans. Don't try and stop me."

"Um, yes, ma'am. But we will have to file a report." The officer on the comms knew better than to try and stop her himself. She wasn't above using a good left hook if she had to. It was always better to follow procedure, file a report, and let those with a higher pay grade deal with her later.

"Rhodes to Mabrade, better send someone to help me. I can chase 'em down, but I can't stop 'em. Well, maybe," she amended. "If I can get a good shot in."

=^= What are you flying?=^= Mabrade ducked as the sounds of Disruptor fire echo in the background. =^= You said that Saber is under repair and not ready to fly?=^=

"I'm on the Pussycat. Sounds like you've got your hands full. Just send me a fast ship and tell them to keep up," Billy Jo replied, concerned about the phaser fire in the background. "And keep your head down, Sugar. I kinda like it the way it is."

[USS Arthurian]

"Sir. An alarm at the shipyards was just triggered. A Ship is escaping at high velocity." The operations officer said to the first officer as he looked up from his console.

The first officer looked over to the operations console before standing up and placing his arms behind his back. "Details."

The operations officer looked over to his console than tapped on it before looking back to the first officer. "The first ship is marked as an unknown. NX registration. Looks like a transport ship of some kind. The second ship is a type 11 class shuttlecraft. Its registration is The Pussycat. It's listed as the head of the Shipyard's shuttle."

"Call the Captain to the bridge." The First Officer said before walked toward the main view screen. "Open a channel to Typhon. Typhon, this is the Arthurian. We are receiving a report of an incident at the shipyards. A prototype transport has been stolen. Please confirm?"

=^= Mabrade here, the threat is verified by the Shipyard Command Officer. Intercept of the stolen vessel..." Mabrade ducked as a bolt of energy nearly struck him. "You are authorized to intercept on my Orders as Commander of Typhon..." He paused for another second to evade being hit. "And if you can collect the Shipyard Manager along the way safely that would be a good call on your part. She is setting off after it.=^=

"Understood. Arthurian Out." The Executive Officer replied as the audio cut. "Helm. Lay in an intercept course. Once we are in transporter range, beam the Shipyard Manager to the bridge and her shuttle into the shuttlebay. Than proceed to follow the transport ship and maximum thrust."

"Aye, Commander. Intercept course engaged." The helm officer replied just before tapping on the console in front of him.

"Preparing for transport. Once we get into range, Sir, I'll bring her and her shuttle aboard." The operations officer commented.

The turbolift doors opened as Darius walked onto the bridge. "There better be a good reason why you woke me up, Commander."

"A prototype ship was stolen from the Shipyard. The Manager is in pursuit and we are in pursuit of them both." The first officer replied as Darius approached.

Darius stopped, looking over to his first officer with a raised brow, than smirked slightly. "Okay. You win. That's a good reason. What's the plan?" He said as he walked over to the Captain's chair and took his seat.

"We are going to get close enough to beam the Shipyard Manager and her shuttle on board, than proceed on an intercept course with the stolen transport. I imagine they would want the ship intact so if we aim the disable we should be able to get her back in one piece." The First officer replied as he walked over to his seat and sat down.

"Good plan, but let's be prepared to destroy the transport if we have to. Once we get the Manager on board it should give us more of an idea of what we are dealing with tactically." Darius leaned back in his chair and smiled slightly. "Funny isn't it, Commander?"

"How so, Sir?" The first officer questioned, looking over curiously.

"They send a prototype to catch a prototype." Darius replied softly.

(To be continued...)

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Manager, Athena Shipyards

Captain Landon Mabrade
Starbase Typhon

Captain Darius Cayne
USS Athena


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