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The Missing Piece (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2016 @ 12:09am by Winset-Kelix ‘Winkel’ Mar-Abek [N'alae] & Crewman Sonos Danat Mr

1,137 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: TGT Freighter Miscellanea, Tiberius IV
Timeline: Back-post


Sonos looked down at the part Winkle was cradling between his hands. It was cylindrical, approximately 23 centimeters long by eighteen centimeters in diameter, grey and silver with red connections at either end, and a faded serial number etched into one side. He recognized it from the inventory list. “It is item number S-097A-3801-SP-2.” He replied in an annoyed tone. His photographic memory and strict mental training allowed him to recall every item. “It is categorized under Starfleet Special Projects.” He continued, “A restricted technology, this is a core processor for a Federation holographic cloaking system. Third generation if my research is correct.”


Winkle stood with his jaw hanging open. “You, you...third generation…” he stammered. Sonos was unsure if Winkle might require medical attention. “This..item number S-097A-3801-SP-2,“ Winkle said in a sarcastic tone, “is the missing piece!” he exclaimed.

“Winkle, what are you doing here?” Sonos repeated his question, still annoyed.

Ignoring him, Winkle continued with an ever rising volume. “I’ve been search for this for over ten years! Ten YEARS!” He danced a little jig that Sonos though was rather vulgar. Then, just as suddenly as Winkle’s insanity had started, he stopped and stood still.

“I am sorry,” he said, “for the mess. I will clean it all up, don’t worry bout a thing.” The sincerity in his voice had Sonos very confused.

Winkle quickly shuffled over to his sled and pulled out a PADD, typed on it for a few moments, then came back over and held it out to Sonos. “I would like to file a request for item number S-097A-3801-SP-2, to be remanded over to Mr. Mar-Abek, Chief Engineer of the Morning’s Wake.” He continued to hold the PADD out in front of himself with one hand, while still holding the precious processor in the other, clutched tight to his chest.

Sonos though for a moment, realizing the discomfort he could cause. Normally he was not a vindictive man, but Winkle had a way of getting ‘under his skin’, as he believed the saying went. Finally though, he took the PADD and looked down at it. It displayed the correct requisition form with all the appreciate fields filled-in. This was a first for the Rigellian. Sonos’ curiosity was certainly piqued.

A long minute stretched into two as Sonos made a show of reviewing the request, while Winkle did his best to stand still and somewhat respectful. Sonos rather liked his change, even though he also found it very odd. Eventually he asked, “Purpose of request?”

Winkle nearly screamed in frustration. Why was this man always so difficult? “It is the missing piece.” he said. When Sonos continued to look at him uncomprehendingly, Winkle added, “To the holo-cloak I’ve been working on. It’s taken me years to hunt down parts or specs for most of the components, but this one, “he held it up with a flourish, “has always eluded me.”

“So this is a request for a personal project?” Sonos’ tone was disapproving.

Winkle shook his head. “Don’t you understand? It’s a Holo-cloak.” Winkle stretched out the word. “With this processor I can finally finish it. If we can get it to work and install it on the Wake...” he held out his hand in invitation for Sonos to complete the thought.

“Then the Wake could appear as another vessel, allowing for combat and beaming without exposure.” Sonos said.

Winkle snapped the fingers of his free hand. “Exactly! Imagine how useful that could be!”

“Extremely…” Sonos trailed off, also imagining other possibilities. “Commander N’alae would be very interested in such a piece of technology.”

“Undoubtedly.” Winkle agreed.

“I will then, accept your request.” Sonos said and tucked the PADD under his arm.

Winkle smiled widely and clutched the processor tightly again. “You know, sometimes you’re not so bad.” He chirped, then quickly he turned and headed towards the cargo bay’s exit.

“Where are you going?” Sonos asked.

Winkle stopped at the tone in his voice and looked back. “What do you mean,’where am I going?’ I’m going to go check this out and get started.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“The condition you placed upon your request was that you would clean up this mess.” Sonos gestured to the parts littered about the floor.

“Yes...later.” Winkle waved a hand dismissively before he turned and began walking away again.

“No, you will fulfill this part now.” Sonos told him with finality in his voice.

Winkle scowled, “No, later. This is more important.”

“Undoubtedly.” Sonos mimicked Winkle’s earlier statement. “But you will not be leaving here until you do.” The Engineer stopped his exit again and looked back, eyes narrowing. Before he could say anything, Sonos continued. “I have your shuttle in lock-down, and will not be releasing it until you have fulfilled your end.”

“Now you listen here…” Winkle’s temper flared and he rounded on Sonos, but Sonos cut him off.

“Or I can deny your request and report to the Commander that I have discovered you stealing materials for personal use.”

Winkle glared at him. “Fine.” He grumbled. “But you’ll regret this.”

“Perhaps.” Sonos mused. He then moved over towards the hover sled and began taking a mental inventory of the items Winkle had intended to take. He then held out the PADD, transferred the request to his terminal and downloaded the manifest to it instead. “Please follow this carefully. I would hate for you to have to repeat this task for lack of attention.” He held the PADD back out to Winkle. “Also in the future, please consult this list before attempting the steal anything. It will but updated every 28 hours.”

Winkle shuffled over to Sonos, grumbling to himself, and snatched the PADD from him. He looked through it while Sonos stood over him.

Then suddenly the engineer began to laugh. “Ha! Ha, ha!” He clapped Sonos on the back, which required him to reach up a bit to accomplish. “Well played.” Winkle shook his head and continued to laugh, but picked up an item and started off towards the crate listed on the manifest.

Sonos stared at him for a moment, marveling at his quick change of moods. But when Winkle came back to retrieve another item from the sled and gave him a wolfish grin, Sonos returned it kind.

“I’ll leave you too it then.” Sonos said still grinning, and headed back towards his shuttle. Behind him Winkle began to whistle a tuneless song as he worked.



‘Winkel’ Mar-Abek
Chief Engineer of the Morning's Wake

Sonos Danat
TGT, Logistics Officer of the Morning's Wake


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