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Clean the home and Soothe the Pagh (Part 4)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:41am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 2:44am

1,279 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: Follow on from part 3


"I do not keep myself up on a shelf just for mere display; if that is what you mean. I have my hobbies outside of work, I have my faith and I do have a small circle of friends. This is not a case of all work and no play makes Rii'Na a dull girl. After being at Fleet for trainng, I found a nice walk along the beach was very pleasant."

JC had to ponder the answer by the Executive Officer and wonder really how deeply he could get himself into trouble at the current rate of this ... dinner, date, encounter? What kind of a title would be placed on his making a pass and ending up at dinner with the woman? Somethig told him he is getting in over his head and that a kind dinner and then warping out of her sights might be a wise thing too for anyone around the XO of a station you worked on. He had to ponder that as he glanced over at the beautiful woman and remembered that in her position it was hard to have someone make time for her as a woman and not an officer.


"Sorry Rii'Na." He shook his head; not using the slip he had been of Commander upon occasion. "I-I have paid attention to your uniform and ..." He sighed. "I still noticed you are pretty in that uniform but I should really cut the uniform bit." He looked into her eyes. "Maybe if I only focus here I might get past the uniform and just see... you?"

"When we are sitting here and the only thing that is missing is the jacket; you can be forgiven for slipping back into 'programmed habits'." Rii'Na smiled softly. "I was just that hungry and wanting off my feet that if I had of gone home to change and sat down I probably would not have gotten back up. It's okay, I know the 'Bajoran formality' does catch people off guard. We keep our first names for those that are special to us and the rest of the universe tends to wonder why. Sometimes we just wish others would say 'okay' and not ask the myriad of questions until they knew us better. Probably why most Klingons used to growl when asked about their ridges." Ashe blushed a little. "Let's just say if we ever do get to know each other better, you'll find out a bit more than my first name."

"Kind offer from a lady." He smiled. "I was just meaning to call you Rii'Na and drop the Commander that I keep slipping in." He laughed lightly. "You wear the tunic and skirt well." He gave her. "I just need to avoid the collar and the shining things on it. Because you are more than just that uniform and rank, I can tell that from here." He thought he should back off a bit. "Lucky will be the man who learns that first name in a proper way." He thought she might forgive him if he let he know he kind of understands. "The only thing you like is a walk along the beach?" He raised an eyebrow. "I would think that is something better with company?" He had a flash image of those legs in a sarong as the uniform really only gave a subtle hint for the one piece swimsuit to be guessed at, he did like his imagination though. "We do have a lake; well an artificial lake, but something with a shore to walk around when you like." She probably already knew of it. "Well now that I rambled I should make myself allow the Lady a word edgewise?"

Rii'Na smiled, he was obviously a bit nervous; bumbling and rambling through conversation yet still sweet and thinking of her. "I don't just like walks along the beach and company can be a nice thing. I do read and enjoy music. I have been known to dance on occasion and have another hobby that I would leave for another time. Between, work, my faith and other things I am usually kept rather busy. That's when a nice walk through the Arboretum can be just what's needed."

"I'm not disputing that it is, JC. One step at a time, dinner; then we can see where we are led. There are times, where despite good plans; we are led to where we are... kind of.... meant to be. So, once our waitress arrives, shall we order. I'm inclined to trust the musings of the chef and go with the specials. I can have things like Hasperat any old time."

"Good Evening Commander Rii'Na." The soft melodious voice came from a Female in an ivory floor length dress with the seeming to shimmer chiffon sleeves and her auburn hair rested just past shoulder length. "I am honored you finally graced Kindness Place by joining us tonight." The features of the round face gave soft hint to her Ferengi heritage as the ridges had nearly half the prominence of a full blood Ferengi female and obviously adored her hair as it was perfectly combed. "I am Lady Ebele and I welcome you to my place."

"Why thankyou, Lady Ebele." Rii'Na stood to greet the proprietor in proper Bajoran custom. The slight bow with a smile before resuming her seat, may have been a little formal but it was what she knew. "The atmosphere is wonderful in here and JC here has been talking some wonderful things about your chef. I have just been so up to my ears in paperwork it has ben hard to tear away from it. I am not one to mix work and meals like that, not unless I truly can't help it."

"Thank you Commander for the complement." Ebele raised the wine glass she held. "Please feel free to indulge in our pride; we use liqueurs in our cooking and I dare say for our customers the Synth is...." She shuttered slightly. "Why replicate what can be prepared by caring and skilled hands?" Ebele told her. "Plus there is another saying; what is said in Kindness place stays within our walls and your mind." She winked. "It adds to the ambiance to know you can speak your heart and no one but your intended really hears it."

"I have a distinct feeling you may see more of me. Maybe before prayers? I haven't been here really long enough to have a full routine in place. I've had a feeling of 'being in the deep end'. The recent events have given me the best incentive to get to know the station and to meet the people as well. Can't hide away with the reports forever."

"Oh my no." Ebele said with a laugh. "Not even I work all the time, I run a place that tries to be the name 'Kindness Place' where one can relax as a fine meal is a luxury we all deserve." She glanced to Conroy. "It is always a pleasure to see you JC, I can only complement your choice in company." She smiled to the Commander. "Miss Rii'Na is quite the focused individual and quite careful in whom she shares company, do not let her down."

A bell sounded in the Bar end of the place, just audible in the restaurant. Lady Ebele turned a casual glance in that direction and held up a hand so the Hostess could see, with a subtle gesture that seemed like a wave she made a five finger wave exactly three times. The Orion nodded and looked in the direction of the Bar to relay the message.



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