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Clean the home and Soothe the Pagh (Part 3)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:40am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 2:43am

1,162 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: Follow on from Part 2


"Oolona I did not drop a name." He had a wider eyed look. "T-the Commander kindly offered to let me dine with her... all happenstance, really." He looked over at the XO. "Is that not correct Rii'Na?"

"I will take your word .. this time." She came around the podium in the Greek style Burgandy Toga that was like wisp of a Reese clinging to her form until she strode then it billowed at the waist and seemed to only hint at the well sculpted calves and ankles wrapped in gold flat sandals that might have actually been woven of gold by the shimmer.


Here was a well laid out restaurant; the tables were close but not so to over step or crowd each other while giving plenty of room for skilled servers to mingle and move about to serve the higher class of clientele. While not a formal restaurant it was not a simple family place that had the noise of other places. While the average cheque was more than economical by cheap standards it was lower in cost than more fancy places that could not boast the same luxuriates of Kindness Place. The lighting was roughly in the high twenties in foot candle power; a working office is about 35 foot candles, but enough to have ambiance to it as the lower hung lighting in unique bronze woven tubing style chandelier.

Booths were all around the edge with candles as center pieces; but the stained glass between each booth seemed to reflect the light in a willowing effect and also give some privacy. Oolona lead them to a corner booth and gave a slight bow after JC had seated the Commander.

Rii'Na put her jacket over the chair and accepted the seat. It felt different to be fussed over, not something she was used to at all. Her reserved side was showing like the glow in her cheeks or the light glinting off her chain. "Thankyou" she said softly. She rubbed at her right shoulder a moment, seeming to pay a little too much attention to one spot just under where the arm and collar bone met up.

"I will give you some time to choose, the Special tonight in an entree from Delta a spicy porked beef over rice with vegetables with the dessert being Andorian chocolate foam cake; much like a human Cheese cake." Oolona informed. "Your waitress shall be along shortly." She bowed and went away.

"The chef must be getting homesick." JC said while seating himself. "She tends to go overboard when her relitives do not keep in contact, I think?" He commented. "She is a four maybe even a five star chef but she is loyal to Ebele; they all are for their own reasons." JC shrugged and called up a menu. "It is what makes this place so special." He grinned in a very sly and teasing way. "It is also unique as you can tell?"

"There is nothing wrong with being a little homesick. I have been like that myself. I am sure her loyalty is quite well rewarded." Rii'Na replied. "There are a lot of people out there that are not all that trusting, for whatever reason; and I am sure this Lady Ebele has her own." *Prophets know, I do*

"You might not realize it but Ebele does not trust males." She has good reasons, but she will employ only women in her restaurant and bar. The twins; Klingon sisters, are among the older of Ebele's staff that remain with her as though it is their house." He nodded. Oolona is only a hostess and it is said the closest to Ebele and the first of her 'Girls' that Ebele took in."He explained. "Lady Ebele herself will verify she does not trust males in her establishment, and she is an excellent judge of character as you can tell by the staff?"

"Without even meeting her she seems very sweet and kind natured. To be so generous and take in so many, surely the Prophets must shine upon her. The place does seem rather packed out." Ashe did her best to observe the room for a moment before looking back to JC and pondering the menu.

JC let that stay; it told him something about the Executive Officer, she had a few issues in how the remark that Ebele only hires females and does not trust males in her business did not phase her all that much. Rii'Na is a beautiful woman and he speculated that maybe she would have been one of those taken in by Lady Ebele if the situation were slightly diffrent? He might have to watch his step being a male; Rii'Na liked men as the way she acted but there are issues he could sense under that.

"Lady Ebele will make her way around I am sure; she never leaves a 'High Roller' without a formal introduction." JC chuckled. "But I would put money will not be until the meal and maybe even desert entree that she makes an appearance. She is very considerate about you enjoying her place and has this knack of just showing up at a given time."

"Sounds like a very good and considerate host indeed. It will be wonderful to meet her" Rii'Na smiled, pondering the menu; finally deciding that the specials might be the 'order of the day'.

"I know that you like Bajoran food but what else could you be tempted by?" JC asked. "I am hoping you are not the all work type of executive Officer as a pretty flower kept on display rather than out where to be noticed by others would be a shame?" He did not really know why he asked this but it did come out?

"I do not keep myself up on a shelf just for mere display; if that is what you mean. I have my hobbies outside of work, I have my faith and I do have a small circle of friends. This is not a case of all work and no play makes Rii'Na a dull girl. After being at Fleet for trainng, I found a nice walk along the beach was very pleasant."

JC had to ponder the answer by the Executive Officer and wonder really how deeply he could get himself into trouble at the current rate of this ... dinner, date, encounter? What kind of a title would be placed on his making a pass and ending up at dinner with the woman? Somethig told him he is getting in over his head and that a kind dinner and then warping out of her sights might be a wise thing too for anyone around the XO of a station you worked on. He had to ponder that as he glanced over at the beautiful woman and remembered that in her position it was hard to have someone make time for her as a woman and not an officer.


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