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Escorted to her Dreams (part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:41am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 2:45am

1,150 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Corridors and Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from the end of 'Clean the Home and Soothe the Pagh'


How had he gotten himself into this; he was walking with the Executive Officer to her Quarters, what had come over him with offering to escort the Lady to her door safely? The station is secure, the Officer Country is among the best guarded and protected areas on the station and there is no reason Rii'Na would even need an escort?

Truth is a hard thing to swallow; he admitted that she is a beautiful woman and the uniform fit her well; especially the skirted part that caught his attention intially, but there is still decorum to be followed. Then he saw her eyes up close, that was after buying her a sweet wine so no real chance to get her drunk on wine usless they downed the whole bottle? This is an unwise thing to do; he knew that in his gut, pretty lady or not she is the 2nd in Command and could bust him down like a bug. She did not seem the type but ladies can be funny when emotionally riled.

"A pretty face will always get you in trouble; it always has, it always will" in JC's case. Conroy had a weakness; he actually wanted to be in love and not just the 'hop into bed' type, something above casual is what he really wanted and he hated the whole process. Too many of those holo's his mother loved to watch and since Conroy Senior would not watch 'Chick Flicks' Little JC had drawn the wrong straw. HIs mother was a romantic at heart; his father had romance just never gushed it like in those Holos. Maybe too many of those romantic type things had gotten into him and he liked the concept; the destiny of two people, the 'love at first sight.'

Trouble is he did not really know what that is like, or how to find it as it is a random thing so he chased it, much to many heart breaks as it seemed many of the Federation Fleet Girls 'just want to have fun' and a goofy romantic who might go overboard was not always accepted well as a 'long term romance.' So JC just makes his attempt to woo the girl; and gets to pay the piper as they find varied reasons for him to be 'cast aside.'

Thus the mean circle closes.

Walking with Rii'Na seemed a pleasant endeavor; she had a smile that could light things up; her laugh was infectious and he had to join her, he liked joining in laughs and the fun moments. He had just met her and still he tried to reason with the fact he had really gone ove the edge this time and trying to make a pass at a woman well out of his league, he could only keep his head and wits about him for a time and bow out as that was the smart thing to do.

Luck; or Fate as you might have it, had put the finale to this night as they arrived at her door; he had completed his 'vow' to see her home. He should not feel a twinge of sadness at the ending of a nice conversation and dinner; he will not call this a date as that would mean he tried and succeeded to date a superior Officer, yet here he stood facing Rii'Na, he glanced into her eyes and paused.

JC seemed rather sweet, he had shown a caring Ashe had not seen in a while. It was a bit rare after everything at home, Ashe had kept to herself at Starfleet Academy and during her initial medical training. It felt easier to keep to herself and not risk things like offence and heartbreak while in the midst of study. Now, she was settled in her work and slowly getting settled into her new 'assignment'. Mister Conroy was one of the first to show he welcome and any form of real attention away from work functions. She could feel her earring getting a little warm, the blush was there. Most Bajoran males were sweet and did show a bit of romance but there were certain traditions that they observed which did 'suck some of the fun' out of the courting, not that she would ever tell the 'Great and Worthy' Prophets that. She had been so hesitant, so reserved it was refreshing to be around someone like this; somehow he helped take the fear away in her

Gently he reached and took her hand bringing it up to his lips and kissed it as a gentleman in those Holos should; or would, this would end the evening and the whole thing as a woman, a lady, like Rii'Na would see right through this. He looked back up and her eyes caught him again; the depth of them drew him in a bit and he found himself leaning forward; what is he thinking of trying with the Executive Officer, and he put a light kiss to her lips and knew he had just fried his career, harassment is a serious charge and he just pressed it and his lips to the .... woman Rii'Na.

In that instant he did not care about her rank; nor did it dawn on him he might be lingering in this kiss, that he might actually be enjoying the feel of her lips as he offered her affection that he felt being around her. Too forward maybe but then JC often fell too fast and thus got hurt. He reluctantly ended the kiss and moved back ready for a slap as he was forward, he had just met the Lady and yet he felt he wanted to kiss her and just have a small taste of the woman that had caught him off guard and sparked him to do things he deemed 'unwise' and that she was the most beautiful and intriguing woman he had met.

Damn Mom's Holos...

The kiss to the back of the hand was so sweet. Ashe beamed and had to stifle the giggle, he seemed bold yet nervous. Probably thinking he might lose a rank for being so bold. She had to giggle at that. Their eyes kept contact, he seemed to be getting lost in hers and there was something about his own, maybe the spark of life that had been changed in Rii'Na. How could she ever forgive the Cardassian that had scarred her, in more ways than she cared to count? Still that shouldn't make the decision for her with someone like JC, after all it would be nasty to paint all men with the same tarred brush. He leant in and before Ashe knew it her eyes had fluttered shut as their lips met. She felt her cheeks burn and her heart race, it all felt so warm, like wrapping a blanket around herself.



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